THIRTY-THREE: Christmas Eve

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Author's Note: Cussing. Profanities. Cliche moments. Fluff.

ANOTHER ROLLER-COASTER week had gone by in the blink of an eye and the cold weather was also getting intense with each passing day, its temperature dropping below 45°F

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ANOTHER ROLLER-COASTER week had gone by in the blink of an eye and the cold weather was also getting intense with each passing day, its temperature dropping below 45°F. The spirit of Christmas was paving its way all over the Shibuya District with its decorations and other related embellishments seen almost everywhere, hence, making the entire city look livelier and eye-catching.

"Thank you! Please come again!"

I walked out of the gift shop after I bought an additional set of crochet materials I lacked to finish the muffler I was knitting. Christmas Eve will be in the next two days and I was still only halfway done with my handmade gift for Mikey. The muffler was in fact Emma's suggestion when I shyly asked her about what her brother likes aside from motorbikes and kicking someone else's ass. It was my first time making an effort for just a simple gift and I do hope Mikey will at least be appreciative even only a little.

Breathing a long sigh, I sauntered forth toward the Shopping District to do a little grocery shopping since Mikey and I would be celebrating Christmas together at my house. I needed some preparations to avoid embarrassing myself in front of him. Oh, I also have to buy a cooking book to learn some new recipes.

I've asked Grandma's permission to be with my boyfriend this upcoming holiday and she immediately assented without thinking twice. She was more than happy to know I'd be with her friend's grandson during Christmas. She appeared to have trusted Mikey well enough to allow us to be together without enforcing any restrictions on our relationship.

An hour had passed. I was finally finished with the groceries and ready to return home. It took me quite some time to find a good cooking book, though. I was heading back to the bus station after I bought all the necessities on the shopping list.

"I didn't forget anything, right?" I asked myself quietly as I checked over the list again. I was so engrossed with my thoughts that I accidentally bumped into someone without noticing and dropped the list to the ground. "I'm sorry," I apologized in a low tone and bowed my head, not sparing a look at the person's countenance.

"No, it's fine. I wasn't looking either," said a male's voice in a monotone. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the unknown guy bend over to pick up the small sheet of paper from the concrete and hand it back to me. "Here. You dropped this."

"T-thank you." I glanced up but failed to get a glimpse of his face as he already turned his back on me and began to walk away. I merely took account of his sunflower-blonde undercut hair and pale complexion. He was somehow oddly familiar to me, though. Had I seen him somewhere before?

Shrugging my shoulders, I simply dismissed such a trivial matter and made my way toward the bus station to wait for the bus' arrival. The blonde guy was probably just some random customer I met at Grandma Chiyo's cafe shop. I just browsed at the list once more to make sure I had everything I needed.

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