FIFTY: Kurokawa Izana

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Author's Note: Cussing. Profanities. Spoilers.


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Morning came.

Y/N's 'good morning' text roused me from my deep slumber. I rubbed my droopy eyes while reading her message groggily on my phone and let out a huge yawn before sending her a quick reply. Recalling the recent events that happened the other day, I also asked her how she was faring.

Wifey❤️: I'm much better now.

Seeing her response had brought me a sense of relief and was thinking about contacting her right now to hear her voice if it weren't for Grandpa calling me for breakfast. I begrudgingly cut off our brief text conversation and just told Y/N how much I love her with a cute emoji which she reciprocated minus the emoji, putting a smile on my face.

Kneading my worn-out towel, I lazily got out of bed and made my way toward the dining area where Emma and Grandpa were already on the table as usual. I greeted Grandpa and took the seat next to him before looking down at the prepared breakfast on the table.

"Emma, I told you I like my eggs over easy with the yolks crushed."

"Then, do it yourself," my younger sister retorted and stared at the towel I was fiddling. She frowned. "Toss that old towel already! You've been fiddling with it since you were little!"

"No, it's my life," I refused adamantly. I did not care whether this towel was dirty or not. I just couldn't sleep without it beside me except when Y/N was having a sleepover at our place. "Hand me the soy sauce."

It was then we heard the doorbell ring with Ken-chin announcing his presence outside.

"Go wait in my room, Ken-chin!" I simply told him while having my meal.

"I ran into Takemitchy on the way! Can he come in too?"

"Sure thing!"

Shortly after finishing my breakfast, I excused myself from the table and went back to my bedroom where Ken-chin and Takemitchy were already waiting for me. Upon entering my room, I overheard Takemitchy complimenting how amazingly cool my room was. Although I appreciated the praise, I found his loud voice quite irritating to my ears and told him to tone his volume down since it was still early in the morning. The reason for their visit was to discuss the crucial details involving Tenjiku.

I was sitting cross-legged on the sofa with Ken-chin doing my hair when Takemitchy informed me who their leader was. It took me a moment to remember that he was the same guy I met at the port the other day.

"I see. Kurokawa Izana. The guy who approached me," I muttered in acknowledgment. No wonder his name sounded familiar. I wasn't even that much surprised, now I realized his motive for approaching me that day.

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