FIFTY-NINE: The Declaration of War

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Author's Note: Cussing. Profanities. Spoiler from manga and anime.

 Spoiler from manga and anime

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"SHH. DON'T make a sound."

I was startled when a pair of hands covered my mouth, preventing me from making any noise. I went frozen stiff and my frantic heart almost burst out of my rib cage at the sudden appearance of the person behind me. Where the hell did this guy come from? I tried to calm myself and steady my breathing, not wanting to show any signs of fear.

The person's grip on my mouth tightened as I heard thunderous footsteps nearing our place. The familiar voices of my pursuers came back and still had the audacity to search for me. I could only curse inwardly at their bravado persistence to abduct me. Those bastards never knew when to give up, did they?

Howbeit, I was more worried about the possibility of this stranger being in cahoots with them and might throw me under the bus. Fortunately, that shit never happened. As the footsteps once again faded away, the hands on my mouth also loosened their hold, making me breathe a sigh of relief.

I slowly turned around to thank whoever this stranger was for helping me out, only to be taken aback to see it was my childhood friend, Kakucho. My eyes widened. I did not expect him to be here.

"K-Kaku-kun?" I blurted out in obvious surprise.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" Kakucho asked with a tinge of concern. "Did they hurt you?"

I shook my head lightly, wiping off the forming sweat on my forehead. "I'm fine. What are you doing here in the back alley?"

Kakucho, however, did not answer me. There was a sudden indifference on his face. "Y/N..."

I frowned at his drastic shift of mood. It was only then that I realized something was oddly different about him. He wasn't as friendly as he was in the previous. And when I made a quick scan at his appearance, I immediately figured out the reason behind it and made a safe distance from him.

"You're one of them," I uttered quietly in disbelief, seeing he was wearing the same red gang uniform as Izana's. How come I did not notice this possibility before? "You're with Izana...?"

Kakucho's expression hardened. Something flashed in his eyes, and he tried to reach out to me. "Y/N, listen..."

Sensing his hesitation was already a dead giveaway. I couldn't stop myself from getting mad at him. I knew he wasn't at fault but I still felt betrayed. I already had this assumption that our meeting before wasn't just any coincidence but a well-thought plan to lure me into some sort of trap.

Suddenly putting up my guard, I pushed his hand away and took another wary step back while giving him a dark glare. Trust was something that shouldn't be passed down overnight especially after not seeing each other for years. I had no idea what he was doing during that period or who he had been associated with, making everything about him more suspicious. "You're obviously with Tenjiku. Are you here to take me to your precious boss as well?"

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