FUTURE TIMELINE (FOUR): A Life Behind the Truth

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I can't believe this fanfic is already two years old.

Author's Note: Cussing. Profanities. Undetailed NSFW. Angst.


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I HAVE BEEN feeling under the weather lately.

My stomach would get easily upset mostly in the morning. Eating had become quite a struggle as well. I would oftentimes become nauseated with just the smell of food and doing menial tasks made me feel exhausted. I was completely puzzled by these sudden changes in my body as I had never experienced something like this before.

I tried to ignore the symptoms at first, thinking it might just be food intolerance. But the discomfort persisted and grew worse with each passing day, it was starting to become alarming.

I was doing my usual routine at the cafe shop when my assistant, Shizuka, noticed my pale complexion and voiced out her genuine concern.

"Y/N-san, are you alright? You look really pale."

I muttered a string of curses under my breath, feeling frustrated about how my body was betraying me. "I'm fine. Just dealing with some stomach issues," I replied, trying to put on a brave front despite the overwhelming nausea.

Seeing through my facade, Shizuka frowned at my dismissive attitude. "I think you should go see a doctor," she urged. "It's best to have your health checked before it gets worse."

I let out a weary sigh and thought that she did have a point. I realized I couldn't keep pretending that everything was fine. With a reluctant nod, I made a mental note to schedule an appointment with the doctor as soon as possible. Ignoring these warning signs could only lead to further complications in the long run. I needed to prioritize my well-being above anything else, even if it meant facing the unknown.

After setting an appointment, I went to the hospital the following day, leaving Shizuka in charge of the cafe shop in my absence. I had no one to accompany me when I paid a visit. Keiko was busy with work and Mikey had gone to attend some business a few days earlier. But he did promise that he'd be back soon and asked me to wait for his return.

After waiting for almost an hour in the lobby, my name was finally called by the out-patient nurse. She instructed me to head into the office. As I set foot inside, I was welcomed by a beautiful female doctor who kindly offered me a seat. As I sat down, I took a peek at the embroidered name on the upper right chest of her white coat. The doctor's name was Inoue Sayaka.

"Good day, Amamiya-san," she greeted politely, her red plump lips curved in a professional smile as she leaned on her desk. "What can I do for you?"

I took a few deep breaths before explaining my symptoms to Inoue-san in full detail. She was very attentive and jotted down notes on her clipboard while nodding occasionally. Once I finished speaking, she asked me a few additional questions and then recommended conducting a series of tests to determine the underlying cause of my health condition.

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