Chapter Eight

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A/N the Abigail in this story is supposed to be Abigail Breslin just a FYI! - G

"hey",I greeted Michael after he sat down next to me on his bed. "Hiiiiiiiiiiii", he squealed like a 4 year old little boy. It was so cute. I swear he does this shit on purpose.

I was going to open my mouth to talk when Michael's phone started going off like crazy. "Hold on I gotta take this" he excused himself before unlocking the screen.

On the other line I could hear a girl whining into his ear. "MIKEYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!" she screamed like he couldn't hear him " WHERE ARE YOUUUUUU!!! I MISS YOU!!!"

It was kind of funny but I couldn't help but be a little jealous. Mikey? That was MY nickname for him. But agian, its not like we are dating or anything. Psh.

I heard the annoying bitch start screaming about some random thing before hanging up on him. "Who was that?" I couldn't help but ask " she sounded a little drunk. Is she okay?"

Michael looked a little uncomfterable but replied " Its just Abigail, we started dating a week ago..."

Oh.... I knew exactly who Abigail was. She was the biggest slut in the neighborhood. I wasn't sure that michael was fully aware so I decided to keep it to myself

I asked him to pick out a movie from my Netflix account. He was kind of distracted. His phone started vibrating every 0.00000132848 seconds. Probably Abigail.

Well, there goes my chances of even trying to tell him my feelings. All through the movie we cuddled but he wasn't paying attention. He texted Abigail until his phone died twice and he asked me if he could charge it. Eventually I told Michael no.

A/N I'm thinking about making a Q and a for Mikey and Gianna.

Lets Keep This a Secret// A Michael Clifford FanficWhere stories live. Discover now