Chapter 3: Let Me In

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Elizabeth listened in on the chatting. She raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like Japanese. Am I in Japan? At least daddy taught me how to speak it," Elizabeth thought to herself. Elizabeth pounded her gun against the door. The inside of the house went dead silent. Then, Elizabeth could hear several locks being unlocked. The door opened to reveal a young woman. Elizabeth looked up at the woman. The woman had short red hair, and a busty chest. She couldn't have been no older than 20. Elizabeth raised her gun up at the woman. Although, Elizabeth struggled as she didn't have a lot of strength. "Let me in. Now," Elizabeth stuttered. The woman looked at Elizabeth with both fear and concern. The woman stepped to the side allowing Elizabeth inside. Elizabeth stumbled into the house. Behind her, Elizabeth could hear the door close and re-lock. Elizabeth looked around the house to see several other people. Most of which seemed to be young children. However, there were two older adults. "That must be their mother and father," Elizabeth thought to herself. Elizabeth saw a tub on the other side of the room. The tub already seemed to have warm water in it. Elizabeth turned towards the woman. "Bath," Elizabeth said while pointing her head towards the tub. The woman nodded her head. The woman kneeled down and began taking off Elizabeth's clothes. Elizabeth became embarrassed. "What are you doing," She asked. The woman smiled at Elizabeth. "General hospitality," The woman said. Luckily, Elizabeth was wearing her bra and a pair of Evan's boxers. "Okay. That's enough," Elizabeth said. Elizabeth stumbled over to the tub. She tried to pull herself over into the tub but didn't have enough strength. "A little help," Elizabeth said. The woman picked up Elizabeth and placed her in the tub.

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