Chapter 3 ❤️

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It was a pretty short walk to the place that Alyssa referred to as "the driveway". The Driveway was really just the road that led to camp, which obviously all the parents took to drop off their children.

We made it to the driveway all without spotting Jackie, Cameron, or any of the other counselors. But even though we didn't spot anyone, I sure got an earful about them. Alyssa told me all their camp memories, pranks, and activities, or at least most of them, and I didn't really mind. I say that only because I had nothing better to talk about. Hearing stories told about people you've never met is way better than an awkward silence filled walk. I've had many first hand experiences to compare with and listening to stories about random people definitely trumps awkward walk.

As soon as everyone made it to the driveway Rob began instructing us on what to do with our children, but after he said that I stopped listening. I know I should've listened but I didn't. It's just the way everyone was referring to the campers as our "children" was a bit weird I'm not going to lie. Hopefully it wasn't another commonly used word around camp because I cringed a little every time I heard it. Children weren't really my cup of tea and I personally knew some people who are mothers at my age and I would love to stay away from that. Like really far away from that.

My friends back home would constantly poke fun at my lack of interest and compassion for babies or children in general. I would constantly make the slip of referring to them as "it" and that wasn't seen as "good". I guess I just didn't have the motherly instinct others do. Oh well I guess it was my loss.

"You may now pair up with your partners and go get your children!" Rob said excitedly as I inwardly cringed. I couldn't risk someone catching me cringe and wondering what was wrong with me for not liking children, so I did my best to hide it. One day I'll probably forget to hide it and end up getting scolded by a person who loves children and stuff like that, but I didn't want today to be that day. I needed to make friends and being yelled at for not liking children wouldn't help.

I jump at the feeling of Alyssa clapping her hand on my shoulder and mentally curse her for scaring me twice in one day. "Wish me luck," she sighed, facing me as she began to walk backwards towards the direction Jackie walked off in.

"Why?" I ask, while her body is faced toward me. She was gonna run into someone, I know it, and currently that's all I could focus on. Whatever the hell she just said going completely over my head.

Alyssa skims a few people's shoulder as she walks, and I go to warn her several times, but the people just seem to somehow escape without touching her. "So that I don't end up tying her up and leaving her in another state without a ride for the summer."

I laugh, "wow! What a foul thought, Alyssa!" I gasp sarcastically. Alyssa notices that I'm joking and rolls her eyes.

"I'm serious!" She counters.

"So am I!" Alyssa chuckles and turns around, finally bumping into someone like I knew she would. Sadly this time there was no way for me to warn her because not even I saw it coming.

"I'm sorry," Alyssa steps back quickly going to apologize to the guy. "Oh," she says as she takes him in, clearly knowing whoever it was. "I take it back."

"Well Hello to you too, Alyssa," the boy sarcastically grins at her and Alyssa looks incredibly pissed. The look is a bit amusing actually.

"Like I'd ever acknowledge you purposely," she scoffs and I'm really surprised. Alyssa could really be a bitch when she wanted to be!

"But Lyssa, I love you baby! Won't you just give a second chance?" The boy then gets on his knee, going full on with his obvious act. Alyssa rolled her eyes for the second time in the last ten seconds and I knew that was her substitute for flipping people off. Even though I tried I couldn't even picture a "raunchy" Alyssa flipping anyone off.

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