Chapter 22 ❤️

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I push my way to the front of the crowd and stare at the two boys. I watched as two boys I've come close to over the summer, fought right before me, hoping this wouldn't end badly.

The fight had temporarily escalated after Jack tried charging Cam, but Taylor came in and pulled him back, Kian doing the same for Cam, defusing the situation. Sort of...

"You're a little bitch!" Cam yelled, struggling to get out of Kian's grip. Right now the boys' hold on Jack and Cam was the only thing keeping the two from running across the lawn and pounding each other's face in, so the idea of one of anyone's hands slipping was beyond scary. "If your friends weren't here you wouldn't do shit! You'd probably have Taylor fight for you again!" Cam provoked him and Jack pulled loose. Sammy quickly jumped in and pulled Jack back in order to stop him. Now Sammy and Taylor were both trying to contain Jack.

I was frozen in my spot, watching two people I cared about at each other's throats. My heart was racing and I was just watching! It didn't help at all when a chant of "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Broke out, making me turn around on the crowd.

How can they encourage their old friend to fight someone and possibly get hurt? How the hell could they let their current friend fight someone and possibly get hurt? Better question, how can I let my boyfriend fight someone and possibly get hurt!

"Jack!" I called out, running over to him. As quickly as possible, I made my way from the porch steps to the middle of the yard. Jack looked at me for a second before turning away.

"Go away, Cass!" He yelled at me, but still I didn't stop until I was in front of Taylor, who now stood between Jack and me.

"Jack, what are you doing? This is stupid!" I tried telling him, but he wouldn't even look over at me. His eyes were instead focused on Cameron just a few feet away from him.

"You don't get it, Cass," he shakes his head, still staring at Cam, who was now fighting a little less and paying more attention to our conversation-just like everyone else. The chant had died down and now Jack and my voice were the only things you could really hear over the low rumble of conversations from the crowd.

"I don't get what? That you're just doing this to try and prove yourself? And to who?" I question, "Him?" I point over to Cam and hope that Jack snaps out of whatever macho-thing he's attempting to do right now. All he's gonna do is get himself and Cam hurt.

"Cass, just leave! Don't you understand that there's no reason for you to be here!" He yells, finally looking over at me. His stare hits me hard but I stand my ground. I have to.

I clench my jaw and glare back at him. "I am your girlfriend. I have every right to be here," I say in a clipped tone and receive a glare equally as fierce, or maybe even more, from him.

His next words came out cold, making me shiver even though nothing but hot sticky air surrounded us. It was like being drenched in ice water in the middle of an active volcano. "Then you're not my girlfriend anymore," he seethes and I stumble back.

"Wh-what?" I ask completely dumbfounded. Not even when my ex-boyfriend left me for that Instagram model did it surprise me this much. I blink a few times and then question the situation, Did I hear him wrong? I must've heard him wrong.

"You heard me," he says before looking away, seemingly answering my unspoken question. "You're not my girlfriend anymore, Cass. We're done."

I feel my heart drop in my chest, shattering apart when there's no more room for it to fall anymore. My hands begin to shake. Did he really just break up with me?

A chorus of "ooh"s start up and I knew I wasn't just imagining this. The crowd burst into laughter and I turned around to see everyone laughing and whispering. Everyone saw this, everyone saw me. Saw me get dumped like trash on the side of the street. One of the lowest points of my life so far, taking place right where everyone could enjoy it and laugh about it. I feel myself start to choke up and take off down the street.

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