Chapter 32 ❤️

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Probably the second to last chapter right here which I'm hoping I'll get out before the end of the summer! Not really thinking about doing an epilogue but if this story gets 100 votes (it's at 94 right now) I might just do it... Please recommend this story to friends and follow me if you want to read other work I do in the future and thank you to all the people who read this. Even if it was just one person (which it might lol) I'm honored that you'd stick around for 32 chapters read this mess of a story. Xoxo!


It took me a few minutes before I could stand on my own. Whatever was in my system to make me sedated still swam around in my blood, but I was fighting it nonetheless. I stumbled around through the shallow row of trees that surrounded the house, following the music to the party. The music—along with the world around me—was distorted, which messed with my already fragile state more. I needed help badly.

I tried to listen for the person who called out and scared off my attacker earlier, but I didn't hear anyone. Whether they heard me or not, I couldn't care because they scared off whoever was trying to... hurt me... and that's all that mattered at the moment.

I could see the house from the spot in the trees I was stumbling through and could feel myself starting now to cry again. It wasn't because of the sticks stabbing by bare feet or the scrapes on my skin I was getting from falling and rubbing my bare torso on the trees (I was only able to get back on, or even find my pants, since they were still barely on), but it was because I made it through with little damage back to safety that brought me to tears.

You see all these terrible things on the news and in movies with people who end up in situations like these and don't make it out, but I did. I made it out and I can live to tell my story and I still have my sanity and though I may not remember who it was, I have people on my side who will help find out who did this to me and why. There's a good chance I'll never drink again or go to a party like this, but I could care less about that.  All I know is that I'm so proud of myself for pushing through this.

The familiar feel of lush grass meets my feet as I escape the pain of twigs and dried leaves that I had walked through. There were a feel people loitering outside, but they were too wrapped up with their company to notice a nearly naked girl appear from the trees. Or maybe they just think you're drugged up or drunk like everyone else at the party, my head tells me and remind myself I have to do a little more than stumble along to get some help right now. 

"Cam!" I yell, but it comes out as more of a groan and no one looks up. "Jackie!" I say this time louder than the last. "Help!" I scream out and a few people watch me as I fall to my knees and slam into the ground. My body feels numb again and I feel my mind wanting to go with it. "Help," I repeat, mumbling the words this time.

I feel someone grab my shoulder, shaking me as if to wake me from a drunken stupor. If only they knew I didn't have any say in the loss of my consciousness. "Hey, bud," a girl I don't recognize says to me sweetly. "Do you want me to grab a friend for you so they can take you home?"

"Cam... Jackie..." I manage out and I think I see the girl nod.

"And what's your name?"

I think for a second. "Cass," I tell her finally and I feel her let go of my shoulder.

"I'll be right back," she replies sweetly. I listen as the girl tells whoever she was with out here that she's gonna run in and get Cameron and Jackie so they can take their drunk friend home. I want to yell out that I'm not drunk, but I need all the air I have left to try to keep breathing and can't waste it on trying to prove something irrelevant like that.

I sit with my face flat against the grass, the feeling of ants crawling and bugs flying on me fill up my time and I thank God I can't still jerk my body to get them off. It feels like forever goes by that I'm trying to helplessly ward off the bugs that seem to be oh so attracted to me.

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