Chapter 12 ❤️

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I stood alone before the mirror. My hair, makeup, and clothes all ready done for me. Alyssa said she'd want me to look good for tonight. Well, to use her words exactly she said she wanted me to "look nice for Jack". Was it that obvious I liked him?

I didn't anyways. I just thought he was attractive. I've only hung out with guy for a week so it's too early really to know anything-at least I think so. That's why I never really understood how movies or shows or books could allow their characters to fall in love after a day of knowing each other. Yeah I get it "love at first sight", but have you ever met someone who has fallen in love that quickly? It took my parents months to know they loved each other, that's how it goes in the real life. And after you're in love with this stranger then what? Then you seem stupid because you're head over heels for this person who probably has so many hidden flaws and you get sucked into their bullshit and fuck yourself up.

I don't mean to be cynical but it's true. Just because you fall in love, it doesn't mean you're guaranteed a happy ending. Nearly all the movies or whatever that have characters fall in love so quickly gives them their happy little scene where they ride off in the sunset, but does that happen in the real world? No.

Real life is a bitch. It's slow and painful and way more calculated than what it portrays in any story. Also you get screwed over. A lot. You give your heart away to someone and they leave you. You give them everything but if you don't watch yourself you'll slip up and then you're done. You'll just be chewed up and spit out by whomever and be left alone. And cynical. Like the condition Dylan left me in.

I guess it comes down to picking the right guy to be with in order to be happy. My mom was one of the lucky ones. She picked right. I wish I knew how she figured it out, but I assume that just comes with age.

Honestly I'm still trying to get over being left for some philosophy major. Having someone pick another over you really sucks. Like, really. Stupid Dylan. Stupid gorgeous women.

I take a breath and pull down the black crop top while tugging up the white skirt Alyssa let me borrow. Dang she had quite a mood swing tonight! She walked in as grumpy as ever then left happy as hell. She's like that sometimes. Too often when I hang out with her and Cam. Honestly it could be annoying, but I'd never tell her or anyone that. It would just hurt her feelings and she's just too nice for me to do that to her.

My mind searches for an explanation as I stand in the cabin by myself. Maybe she's jealous? My mind wonders.

Cam could sometimes be a little touchy and brush hair out of my face or put his arm around me, which obviously angers Alyssa, so I try and limit it. Once Cam hugged me from behind and Alyssa didn't speak to me for the rest of the day. I guess it's getting harder and harder for her to watch him with all these girls from the sidelines. Especially considering how long she's been here. If I was her I would have most likely gone crazy by now. She really needs to tell him how she feels, although I see why she doesn't. She doesn't wanna lose him. Who would?

A knock on the door startles me from my thoughts and I place my hand over my racing heart. The wooden door is open and I look through the screen to see a familiar pair of brown eyes. What is he doing here?

"Hey," I say as soon as I open the screen. I have to push my hand against it so it doesn't swing shut on us, making me hope we won't stay in the doorway for long. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to pick you up," he sweetly responds. I blink, not sure what I should respond with. I thought- "You look great by the way." A grin takes over his face and I feel my cheeks burn as I blush.

"Thanks," I say, removing my hand from the door and tucking a loose hair behind my ear. The screen swings into my back, trying to close, but can't since it's being blocked by my body. The outer lined metal of the screen smacks against my head and I wince. "Ow!" I grab at the spot now consumed with pain.

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