Chapter 29 ❤️

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For the second time this summer, Carson pulled up into the green leafy parking lot. The lights from the lamps above were the only thing allowing me to see the fallen leaves and keeping out the blanketing darkness. The car stopped and proceeded to unbuckle my seatbelt.

"This place is definitely 10x scarier at night during the day," Carson says as she looks through the window. "Either that or I remember it differently."

I laugh, remembering how my initial thought of this camp was that it was Friday-the-13th-esque, but now I could see it as nothing as nearly the opposite. "It grows on you," I shrug as I unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Cass," my sister calls out to me as I reach for the door handle. I turn and look at her in my seat. "I'll miss you," she frowns and I smile (It's kinda screwed up with taking pleasure in her missing me I know).

"We'll be back together soon, don't worry," I remind her and she gives off a deep cross between a sigh and an exasperated huff.

"We can always catch that late flight tonight!" She exclaims hopefully, but I don't change my mind. I decided yesterday that I was gonna stick out the rest of the camp. There was only a week left and I wanted to begin something before it ended. I wanted to be with Cameron for as long as I could, and who knows, maybe we can see if long distance is worth attempting.

"I love you, Car, but this is something I have to finish."

Carson groans. "You don't have to!" She rolls her head over to the left so she's now leaning against the window.

I give her a look similar to the one our mom gives us when we whine about our chores and she sits up in her chair consequently. "Ok," she sighs, "I guess you have to."

I laugh, "I do. And I want to."

Carson gives me a small supportive smile and reaches her hand across the center console to touch mine. "Fine, since that's what'll make you happy," she gives in and I grin.

"It will."

"You mean 'he' will," she corrects me with a smirk plastered across her face.

"Haaaa, no. And for the record might I add that I have no idea who you're talking about," I shake my head in full on denial.

Carson laughs. "You know exactly who I'm talking about." She gives me a knowing look but I roll my eyes so far back I could almost see the images of Cameron filling my brain.

"Oh shut up, you don't know anything!" I protest. Carson sits smugly back into the chair of the car and I decide that if I'm called out then so will she. "You know you can't wait to get back so you can see Max. At least I know who I like, you're basically living a lie."

Carson crosses her arms, "I don't like him!"

"Yeah, Car, you do. I can see how you look at him and just like he'd do anything for you, you'd do—scratch that, you do the same thing for him."

"You don't know what you're talking about. We're friends and that's all," she states as she looks away, but I still have her attention, so I continue.

"Didn't you tell me about how when his neighbor tried asking him out, he asked you to be his pretend girlfriend because he didn't like her and was interested in someone else?"

"I know I did—"

"And wasn't it her I saw taking out her trash yesterday?"

"Yes, but—"

"And isn't she absolutely stunning? Like, who wouldn't want to go out on a date with her, especially when the boys your age really only look at a girls surface?"

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