Chapter 7 ❤️

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"Where are we going?" I ask. It's been minutes since Cam took me from the fire we sat near. Well actually it's been minutes since he took me from other people in general and I'm starting to become worried because in all honesty, I don't really know him that well. "I can't believe I'm actually trusting you," I say, a bit disappointed in myself. "This is what I get for thinking that we should have some co-counselor bonding time."

No one had really noticed we left earlier and that made me a bit uneasy. We just kinda walked away and that was that. When Cam pulled me away I thought he'd try and be charming and take me to the lake or do something like try and feel me up behind a cabin- I mean I don't know him- I've even wondered if he'd murder me but none of that has happened. Yet.

We've already left the area of cabins and passed the lake so we weren't going there. The only thing in this direction was nothing. Nothing besides trees and unless he had some really cool tree house with wifi and cable, then I wasn't going to be impressed. Maybe, maybe, I'd be impressed if he took me to a tree and we sat and ate chocolate, but other than awesome things like that I couldn't come up with anything else fun to do in the woods.

I step over a few fallen tree branches as we keep walking through the woods. The only light being the flashlight on Cam's phone and the moon which isn't much. The light cast in front of us is quite eerie and I might just prefer walking in the dark. "Are you going to axe murder me in these creepy ass woods?" I ask inquisitively.

"Maybe..." He trails off, not looking back. "You'll just have to wait and see."

I shrug inwardly. Did I really have any other choice but to wait?

A twig breaks in the distance, shattering the silence with its short appearance, and my heart jumps. Well not just my heart but that's all I'll admit to. My arms jerks in Cameron's hand and I know he couldn't have missed my scare. Maybe he thought an earthquake just occurred and decided not to question it? Who knows.

"You're actually scared right now, aren't you?" Cameron looks back at me for an answer and I look away. The pressure of his stare being too much at this moment for my fragile heart.

"Was it the shaking of my hand that gave it away?" I retort as my eyes look out at the many surrounding trees.

Cam chuckles, looking forward, but still I'm able to spot his smile. "No, I'm just that good at reading people."

Obviously! Just look at how well he reads Alyssa! "So you're psychic now?" I tease.

"No," he answers plainly. "Just observational."

I snort. That's not accurate at all! Saying he's "observational" is as accurate as saying I'm good at talking to boys. And everyone knows how far from the truth that is!

"What?" He questions, hearing the sound I made in reply.

"Nothing." I lie. The thought of how Alyssa turns into the human embodiment of the heart-eye-emoji when she sees Cameron was currently pictured in my head. How the hell do you miss that?

"That was not nothing!" He argues, sensing my lie.

Ok maybe he's a bit observational.

"No, it was definitely nothing," I try and assure him but it doesn't work.

Cameron stops walking suddenly and I wonder if we're finally here. I look around but there's only trees. "Why are we stopping? This is the middle of nowhere."

Cam crosses his arms across his chest and looks down at me. "We're not going until you tell me what you're thinking of," he says like a stubborn child.

The Counselors - Youtubers/Magcon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now