Chapter 13 ❤️

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"This place is definitely not as fun as I thought it would be," I frown as Jack and I walk side by side down the hall upstairs.

The clean white painted walls surrounding us held beautiful family portraits on white beaches, canyons, forests, and even a few from what I recognized as their backyard. The common denominator being all of the family member's smiling faces. The guy, Kian, from earlier tonight had his face in nearly all of them. Some I even recognized as him, but younger. The whole family seemed so happy.

I frowned as I thought about my family and how I'll be without them for a while. I only got to see a few of them for a couple weeks before coming out here. I just miss home where it was much more simple and comfortable. Where it was all so familiar and everything was constant. Unlike how it was here.

I hear a thump in a passing room and I try not to listen to anything more besides Jack's response. I do remember how Jackie went to meet a friend of her's here earlier and "catch up", and I really don't want to hear any of their catching up activities. An absolutely disgusting image with her and that banging wall pops in my head and I pray she's not up here anymore. That's just sick! Hopefully she's gone downstairs already. I wonder if she's looking for me?

No, probably not. She's seems too drunk to realize she should be making sure I'm not dead somewhere. But, that doesn't mean that I think she's a bad friend if she's not looking. I know it sounds otherwise, but I wouldn't think that. Personally I've been where she is before, and I can't hold this against her. It'd be unfair.

Although, this does makes me wonder if I'm moving backwards, and if I am, do I mind going backwards? Do I mind going back to the past where I said I wouldn't go? Back to where I played babysitter while my friends got trashed and I got caught up in their messes? But who said there'd be any messes to clean up now anyway?

I doubt there'll be enough time for any kinda fights or other dangerous activities. I'm only here for the summer so maybe it won't be too bad, and I can get right back on track when school starts-

Or maybe this thinking will get you right back into trouble, I remind myself.

Ugh, goodie two shoes side of me is annoying. Like, honestly, I'll be fine. I haven't even seen anything too bad here. Just a few people were moderately drunk. It's not like there was-

"Oh God!" A shout from a door to the left of me exclaimed. Luckily for me it wasn't shout of ecstasy, but rather one that suggested that- "BLEHH!" that that was coming next. The disgustingly atrocious sound of someone puking their guys out.

"I think I'm starting to agree with you," Jack cringes when we reach the end of the hall. Yeah, that sound was enough to flip anyone's night from good to bad. "Funny thing is, hearing that guy throw up was probably one of the better things of tonight," he finishes his thought, and I give him a sideways look as he pushes open a door and I follow suit. Hearing someone throw up was a highlight?

"What do you mean it was one of the better things?" I question, shutting the door behind me.

I switch on the light and look around the room. Judging by the nearly blank walls with the occasional color coordinated picture, I assumed we were in a guest room. A well kept and slightly fancy one, but a guest room nonetheless.

Jack shrugs and jumps onto the bed. "I mean that I'm not having as good of a time as I hoped," he answers and I snapped back into the moment.

Really? He's not having a good time? I thought he was hanging out with his friends drinking and smoking pot and partying. I'm pretty sure I'm the one who was awkwardly making their way around a stranger's house and constantly talking to drunk out of their mind girls. Now tell me, who sounds like they're having a better time?

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