Chapter 18 ❤️

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"Jack, calm down," Jackie demands of the boys sitting across from her. We were all sitting in mine and Jackie's cabin after finally telling Jack why we had been whispering and, in his words, "acting secretive". But if I had known this is how he'd take the stupid Cam thing, I wouldn't have told him.

"Honestly it's not that big of a deal," I sigh, but he doesn't listen. Instead of calming down he just fumes in his place, his leg bouncing at an inhuman speed.

"Jack, if she says it's not that big of a deal then it's not that big of a deal. Don't make it something she doesn't want it to be," Jackie tells him, not believing in a word she says, but saying it regardless. If I hadn't calmed her down a couple hours ago, she would've gone and beat Cam's ass like Jack wants to.

"How is this not a big deal?" Jack booms from his spot on my bed. "Saying something like that is a pretty big deal!"


"Cass, he humiliated you in front of his friends! He was gonna play a personal joke on you for his own pleasure! Just like he did to you, Jacqueline," he said after turning on Jackie.

Jackie rolled her eyes so far back into her head I swore she saw her brain. "She said she wants you to let it go, so let it go," Jackie said in an exasperated tone. We exchanged glances and her face read: I'm gonna kill him. "And don't try to patronize me, I'm older than you!" she adds, crossing her arms and sticking her nose in the air.

"Fuck! You guys don't get it." Jack runs his hands through his hair and I move over on the bed so I can place a hand on his back.

Oh I got it. I got it more than anyone else did. I just had to let it go. All this would be over in a few weeks and there was no reason for me to get worked up over this. This was a little bump in the road and all it takes is a little ignoring for me to get over it. But we needed to get over it, and fighting someone isn't exactly getting over the situation.

"Please, just let it go," I beg him. "Saying something to Cam won't get you anywhere and if you do something more than that you'll be kicked out, and I don't want you kicked out," I pout, trying to persuade him the only way I knew how. It usually worked on my parents, so hopefully it would work for a nineteen year old boy because it's totally the same thing right?

"No," he says to me before looking over at Jackie. "Jay, Rob loves me, he won't kick me out, right?"

Jackie frowns, "listen, I already have to clean the cafeteria for two weeks for sneaking out, and we know my Dad loves me. It's not my Dad you have to worry about and trust me when I say assaulting someone won't stay quiet-that group of theirs won't stay quiet. Others will find out and demand that you'd be punished, Jack, and who knows what they'll give you for something like that!"

Jack groans, placing his head in his hands. "Fine." He shakes his head. "Fine."

"Thank you," I say, and wrap my arms around his body. I feel Jack hug me back and look up to see Jackie smiling.

"You guys are so freaking adorable," she grins. I feel a blush coming on and recoil immediately.

"Shut up, Jackie!" I pick up a pillow from the right of me and throw it at her on her bunk.

"But you don't deny it," she teases.

Jack shrugs from beside me, "why deny what's true?"

"What do you guys do here for the Fourth of July?" I ask Jackie as we walk our kids to the lake. Both Jackie and I decided to stay out of the water; her wanting to tan and me not feeling like going in without her, so Alyssa and Cam were on water duty.

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