Chapter 27 ❤️

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"Oh God, Carson," I say, beyond scared as I hold my baby sister in my arms. Fear had taken over my body at the sight of her tears and my mind went to the worst scenarios. "Please, please, don't tell me you're pregnant!"

Carson looks up at me from under her wet eyelashes and shoots me a nearly annoyed look. "No!" She yells at me through her tears, and although I usually hate when she raises her voice at me, I am so relieved. 

"Oh thank god!" I sigh, clutching at my chest. "I am not ready to be an aunt!"

Carson rolls her eyes and wipes away the tears which have littered her cheeks. "Don't worry, Cass, I am not pregnant," she scoffs.

I push aside the fact that she has an attitude, knowing she's using it as a mask, and decide to get some answers for a change. "Ok then," I release her enough to look her in the eyes. "Can you tell me what is wrong?"

Carson's eyes hit the floor and I feel the air thicken with anxiety. What is eating her up? "Mom..." she begins and my heart races at the image of my mom in the hospital-or worse! "Mom, is not really my mom," she says and tears find their way back into her eyes and her voice.

"What?" I nearly shout. "What the hell are you talking about?" Carson and I have been mistaken as twins on certain occasions, how can we not have the same mother? We look alike and act alike, so it only makes sense that we are sisters. "Do you think you're adopted or something?"

Carson looks up at me with her red glossy eyes. "No, I'm not adopted," she tells me and I only become more confused by her claim. "Well... not exactly."

"Then what the hell? If you're not adopted and you're not my sister, then what?"

"Then I'm Aunt Amy's daughter," she snaps out in response. Carson's eyes tell me that she's dead serious, but still I can't help but chuckle.

"You're so full of shit," I shake my head, but still she stays silent. "This is not a funny joke," I yell, shooting up off the bed. Her act was really not funny and she needed to cut the shit

"It's not a joke, Cass."

"You're a good actress, Car, but you're not that good!" I wag my finger at her but still she doesn't budge. I feel the room start to spin and try my best to keep myself steady. "You're not joking are you?" I ask seriously.

Carson shakes her head and I swear my heart has shattered in my chest right in that moment. 

"But- but I've seen the hospital pictures of mom and you, how could-"

"No," Carson stops me. "You saw someone who looked like mom with me in the hospital. And who looks more like mom than Aunt- I mean, than Amy?"

I shake my head in blind denial. "There's now way! I was there! I would've remembered if it was Aunt Amy in the hospital instead of Mom!" I feel panic flood its way in my body and I find myself questioning my life extensively.

"Cass, you were only two. There's no way you could've known," Carson speaks in a calm voice. And if she was ice, then I was fire.

"But we have pictures! And I was there for crying out loud, I remember bits and pieces!"

"You remembered what they told you," she sighs and I take a seat as she slowly puts out the fire within me. I sit back on the bed and place my hands in my lap.

So Carson's not my sister, and instead, is my cousin?

No. No matter what the blood showed, this emotionally messed up teenager siting next to me is my sister. I don't care what anyone has to say, I could never think of her as otherwise. I shouldn't.

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