Chapter 19 ❤️

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Early-ish update. Just finished writing chp. 23 and I'm excited for yall to read the next updates ✌🏽️


Our hands were intertwined as we walked. Jack's fingers perfectly laced between mine as he guided me from the crowd. The group's voices had faded, but still there was a light buzz of noise in the darkness, like a bee flying around, but only slightly less annoying. We were about thirty feet from everyone else, but if I hadn't just come from over there, I doubt I would've noticed. All my attention was on the boy in front of me.

Abruptly stopping, Jack turned around while still holding onto my hand. He looked down at me and I looked right back, noticing everything. I noticed the way his hair shadowed all of his face besides his lips, giving me no other option but to stare at them; the way his eyes caught a glint of light from the moon; and most importantly I noticed the way he was looking down at me. It was as if he was in his head going through all the things he noticed about me in this moment, and that was enough to make my heart flutter. With a sigh, I watched his focus change; his eyes darting to the right then back to me, "we needa talk about-"

"Us?" I finished for him. I knew exactly what his game plan was and I knew exactly what mine was. If things went according to plan, I think we'll both be happy.

But who knows? My brain asks, deflating my elated state. Maybe you completely read him wrong and Jack really just wants to be good friends? Or maybe he doesn't even want to be friends and wants to murder you?

After hearing that last "possibility," I shake off any further thought and listen to Jack.

"Yeah," he nods before stuffing his hands in his pockets. "We should talk about us." Jack's pulls his lip between his teeth as his eyes scan our surroundings, landing everywhere besides on me. Even before he began to rub the back of his neck, I knew one thing for certain: Jack was nervous.

It was quite cute how nervous he was actually, as well as very reassuring. It assured me that he didn't see himself as some amazing god everyone dreamed about being with and instead as a normal guy someone could casually turn down. "I- I just- if you want maybe... I don't know," he shook his head. "I like you-obviously," he laughed and I did too, relieving him a little. "So I guess I wanna know if you like me too? Not, like, casual like, but like-like? Oh God what am I saying?"

I chuckle, "you wanna know if I like-like you?" Of all the ways he could've asked or worded the question he chose this way? The way that a second grader would ask his crush? Oh my God, how could he be so hot but so freaking adorable?

Jack runs his hand through his hair and looks down, his cheeks flushed. "Yeah. I guess so."

He was so cute. Even when he should be a nervous wreck he was so cute; his eyes set on his feet to avoid mine. All the signs pointed towards the most attractive case of nerves. From how he anxiously chewed on his lip after the words slipped out, or how he closed his eyes as if that would somehow postpone the reality and the chance of me saying no, and how he looked up at me with eyes that begged for me to return the feelings he had it just made my stomach flutter.

Ok I know that sounds bad with me enjoying his pain and nerves and all, but if a guy like this was nervous about you wouldn't you feel the same way? Yeah that's what I thought.

Then without a second thought I got up on my tiptoes and wrapped my hand around the back of his neck, pulling him down. I saw him close his eyes and mine followed quickly after, just to feel his lips push against mine.

It felt like a spark, like someone turned on a lightbulb and brought light to every feeling I've ever had for Jack. It felt good. So so good.

"Cass?" I heard, but I knew it wasn't Jack since his lips were still connected to mine. But I knew who this other person was.

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