1 - The forbidden classroom

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"Student on duty, on your command."


You saw each person rise to the opportunity with no hesitation, holding their weapons securely, all aimed at the yellow being.


At that moment, you and the octopus experienced the true test.


"Nurufufufufu! Now then class, since attendance is done, let's start the lesson." the teacher states.

Pencil scribbles and paper flipping fills the classroom, but you still found the crescent moon in the sky more interesting than the lesson. How did I exactly get here?

On the walk to Kunugigaoka one week ago...

"L/n-san, please flip to page 295 in the second volume of pre-calculus and study example 3a."

Instead of turning to the page specified, you read the entire book in a span of 3 seconds. Somehow. Then you continued to consume the information in the other 16 books you had.

"Sir, what happened last night? What do you mean we escaped?"

"Nurufufufu, L/n-san, we experienced a great amount of suffering in the labs if you can recall. Yesterday was our debut to the real world! I'll be teaching Class 3-E at Kunugigaoka while you'll attend as a student."


"I made a promise to someone I loved. And you are in quite the dilemma. If you hadn't noticed, you now have some extra skills at the extreme. We're in the same boat L/n-san. Though my appearances may look worse than yours, your side effects aren't the best either. By attending school, hopefully we can find a way to save the both of us."


So now I'm in front of a 100 question test with about 7 other students in the same classroom. You recognized one individual; he was currently taking a nap with the papers resting on his face. His red hair was still the same.

He still wore his bracelet.

I don't really want to stand out so I think I'll just try for half of it then butcher the rest. Maybe that way I'll get into Class 3-E.

As expected, you received a 50/100 on the entrance exam, scoring you a spot in Class 3-E.


Karasuma was still dueling Maehara and Isogai by the time the bell rung. You hurried over to Nagisa and Sugino to discuss Koro-sensei's weaknesses.

"Well he likes sandboxes.. though I don't think that'll help us much." Nagisa joked.

"Maybe if we grind anti-sensei material into the sand, he'll melt while building a castle!" Sugino suggested.

Nagisa's face lit up as he scribbled the nonsense into his notepad. Adjusting your gloves, you smoothly put your rubber knife into the pocket of your jacket. While doing so, you didn't realize that everyone had stopped walking to see someone awaiting your arrival.

He's here.?

"It's been awhile, l/n-san, Nagisa."

He stood with his juice box in one hand, other in his pocket, grinning with his eyes on you.

"Karma! You're back!" Nagisa chants.

He walks down smoothly, acknowledges you and Nagisa, then hurries over to Koro-sensei. You noticed a glint of light reflecting from his hand in his pocket.

"Eh? So you're the big balloon everyone's talking about? For someone who destroyed 70% of the moon, your little smile doesn't look so threatening," The red head states.

"Nurufufufufu, you must be Akabane Karma. It's a pleasure meeting you, but don't be late to class next time!"

"Whatever you say teach, it's a pleasure," he said, holding his hand out, hiding the material he played with earlier.

Yellow liquid splattered on the ground as Karma brings out a secondary weapon from his wrist. His attack was too slow to catch the Mach 20 creature.

"Your hands are a little sweaty now aren't they, Koro-sensei? Falling for the cheapest trick in the books must be pretty embarrassing for you. And that play on words, 'Koro-sensei' meaning can not kill.. I guess you'll need a new name now," Karma smirked.

His attacks were slow enough for Koro-sensei to dodge.

"Class... Class is done for today. You may go home," Koro-sensei states.


"Ew check out those losers from Class 3-E. I'd hate to be in their shoes."

"I heard the girl got a 50 on the entrance exam! How dumb can you get?"

"Pshh I'd rather die than be a dumbass like her."

Glass shattered over their heads before another word could leave their mouths.

"You'd rather die?" Karma laughs. "I almost hit your big foreheads with this bottle! Looks like I missed. Wanna try again?"

The two rascals hurried off before Karma got his second chance.

"Thanks," you said.

"For what? I was just playing around with them. I wish they stayed longer..." Karma pouts.

"Hey Karma-kun, how are your studies going? I expected you to be in a higher class than, you know, 3-E."

He continues walking a bit before he replies. "I played around with people too much I guess, so they moved me to 3-E for being 'violent towards students'. Can you believe that?"

"... yes"

He bumped your shoulder and laughed.

"At least I can spend more time with you now, l/n-san. It's been awhile. Almost 2 years now, right?"

"Yeah. America was pretty stinky. Good thing I moved back," you said.

"My turn now! How come you're in 3-E? I remember you were always on top of your work when we were younger. Did you burn out that quickly?" Karma jokes to you.

"Uh, I was nervous for the entrance exam and flunked."

I really wish I was a better liar.

"Oh really? You could've just told me! I would've thrown a book at you to get your head right if that's what you meant," Karma offered.

"You noticed I was there?"

"Uh, yeah? Do I look dumb to you?"

"... yes"

Offended, Karma shoves you again, this time you almost hit the neighbor's bushes. Before that happened he grabbed your hand and pulled you back.

"You look emo with gloves on."

"Tch! I do not!" you stated.

"Yeah yeah whatever. I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

You nodded, heading into your house.


After your modified shower, you ate a tub of cookies while contemplating.

Does Karma remember?

- - -

If anyone actually cares to read this story and this a/n... hello! As you can see, the story is fast paced, so I hope you don't get lost... Please lemme know if theres anything I can do to improve anything. Thanks and byebye :)

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