11 - A situation

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"Hi everyone, can I take a moment to say something..." Nagisa said shyly. "I was thinking lately, that Koro-sensei has really helped us become better people. Our grades look so much better, our self defense techniques and quick thinking have improved, and he helps us whenever we need."

Nagisa earned some nods of agreement.

"And on top of that, the government finally released the news that Koro-sensei is no longer seen as a threat to society... instead it's subject 222. So I was thinking we could put our time into finding subject 222 instead of assassinating Koro-sensei..." Nagisa finished.

You tensed up.

Some students walked towards Nagisa, forming a huddle of agreement and planning on what to do from there.

"Hold up, we've spent months trying to assassinate the octopus, I'm not gonna stop here just to find some random target that no one's seen," Terasaka argued.

"I agree, that would just be wasted time if we stopped now!" Nakamura added on.

"I just thought that it would be better to keep Kori-sensei alive! That way we could keep learning from him and developing..."

"Tch. Oh Nagisa, when will you learn?"

Karma joined the conversation, leaving the tree he was leaving against.

"What do you mean, Karma?" Nagisa questioned.

"What do I mean? Well, one of the best assassins in the class wants to stop trying to assassinate? How blind can you be? It's like telling a bunch of ugly guys to stop trying to get a girlfriend. What a waste of talent you are," Karma said, looking down on the blue haired boy.

"I just thought it'd be better to find the target instead so that Koro-sensei can live and we can try to prevent subject 222 from destruction and whatnot."

"So you suggest this? A complete 180 from our previous state? Not everything's gonna go your way Nagisa," Karma said, pushing on Nagisa's chest. "Why don't you fight back now, huh? Is it cause someone finally stood up to you?"

Karma continued to push Nagisa, then grabbed his collar. Nagisa quickly wrapped his legs around Karma's neck and pulled him down, forcing him on his knees.

"Hey, stop! This isn't okay," you said, pulling the two apart."

"Then what do you think, y/n? Do you want to save Koro-sensei and look for the unseen subject or continue living like we did before?" Karma asked aggressively.

"I don't- I don't know! I just don't like seeing you two fight and-"

"Did someone say fight?"

Koro-sensei appeared with numerous guns and bombs in his hand.

"Then let's settle this disagreement with a game of capture the flag!" he said.


"Now then, please choose which side you want to battle for. 'To kill or to save.' Please know that no matter which side you choose, I will still respect you," Koro-sensei explained.

Thoughts ran in your head.

What should I do? If I go on the save side then I'll look like wasted talent. But then maybe I can actually get some information...

If I go on the kill side, I'll eventually end up killing Koro-sensei, and I couldn't stand that.

You continued thinking to yourself, not realized that you were the last student who needed to choose a side.

"Y/n, what's it going to be?" Koro-sensei asked patiently.

You look at Karma's sharp amber eyes, then Nagisa's soft ocean eyes. Their features sure match their intentions.

test subject #222   〔 karma x reader 〕Where stories live. Discover now