15 - Strike

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19 days later

You were sorting through your materials, finding just what you needed to top off your project.

"Anddd there!"

You organized your project in a small box, sealing it with a red bow. After finalizing it, you stored it into your jacket and jumped out your window.

After flying a few seconds, you arrived at your destination. Sneaking through the back window, you entered the house quietly. After navigating, you found the room of the devil.

Opening the door, you saw the red head in a deep sleep on his desk. Peeking over his shoulder, you found numerous notebooks open with handwritten data on the reverse anti-matter treatment.

You put your project under his bed.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Karma."

You wrapped a blanket around the sleeping body and left the house.

As you were heading back home, you received a notification.

"Students, please arrive early to school tomorrow to discuss plans on the reverse anti-matter treatment."
- Karasuma

You read the message with hope. Maybe he found something.

One day later.

As you entered the classroom, you found that no one else was there.

Taking out your phone, you rechecked the message to confirm. 

6:59 AM.

Hm, maybe I came a bit too early?

You sat down in your seat before feeling a weird sensation. Almost like you were being watched, targeted even.

Your instincts told you something was wrong.

Breaking the windows, you escaped the building at Mach 40 and flew out to the field before realizing death just missed you.

Observing the sky, you noticed a device similar to a spinning top was aimed at the building with a shining red light.

what the fuck was that??

You tried to quickly fly out of the area but found yourself enclosed by a yellow screen surrounding the school. As you touched the screen, your body disintegrated.

Heh. So today was the day.

Finding yourself cornered you returned to the classroom and sat in your seat calmly.

'7 days left'


"The device has fired and the two shields are up. Running calculations."

As keys clicked and mouses spurred across screens, the group nervously looked for a sign.

"Target 221 is enclosed in the second shield. Phase one is complete."

Keys clicked.

"Target 222 was not assassinated."

Karasuma sighed. "Find her."

test subject #222   〔 karma x reader 〕Where stories live. Discover now