my name is....

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Third p.o.v

"Momma! Poppa! Wake up, it's my birthday today." A little boy yelled excited as he ran into his parents room and jumped on the bed.

When was the last time I was that excited?

"This plate is for the birthday boy." A father said as he put a plate of fluffy pancakes in front of his beloved son.

Why can't I go back to that?

"Come on baby. Time to go to the quirk doctor. I'm sure you'll get an amazing quirk." A mother said as she put her son in the car and buckled his car seat.

Why did we have to go there?

"I'm sorry ma'am. Your son is quirkless." A doctor said as he explained why and pointed at an x-ray.

What did I do to deserve this?

"No son of ours is going to be quirkless. Get your shit. We're not going to let you live here anymore." The boys parents spat in his face.

Where you not supposed to love me?

*Slam* a car door shut as a father left his bloodied son, who held a yellow backpack twice his size close to his chest, in the middle of the abandoned side of town. The son soon becoming a spot in the rearview mirror.


A boy shot up from his bed and panted heavily, sweat and tears on his face. "That nightmare again huh? Hehe, guess I can't get rid of it." The boy stared at the ceiling above his makeshift bed before looking around the room. His eyes glided over to his desk chair, and the outfit that hung from it. "But, I can forget about it for a little while."


The wind hit the boy on the face as he ran across the rooftops of his town. He did a few flips when jumping between rooftops, all with a smile on his face. Yes, this was definitely needed after that nightmare. Who cares if he was early for patrol, at least he'd be happy.


Okay, he'd be happier if he didn't have a job to do. The boy ran towards the scream and then came to an abrupt stop near an alleyway. In the alleyway a little kid with a backpack was crying while trying to become one with the wall. A man stood over the kid with rope in his hands and a woman stood against the wall in the alleyway as a lookout.

??? P.o.v

"Come on kid, I promise we won't hurt ya. Hehe." The man went closer to the kid who just backed into the wall more and cried loudly. "*Sigh* let me try. You're horrible with kids anyway. And boss specifically said that he wanted this one to be delivered quickly, so give me the rope." The woman said as she walked behind the man and held her hand out. "hmm fine." The man then went to be lookout while the woman tried to coax the kid to trust her. The woman flipped her arm over as she held her hand out to the kid with the fakest smile I have ever seen and I spotted a black tattoo that had bones and roses. 'ah so these guys are part of the red bone sex traffickers heh. alright, think I've seen enough'.

I quickly stretch as I stand up and grab my extendable bo staff that's behind my back and hanging on my belt. I let it extend to its full length as I jump onto the man and maybe, maybe not, crush his head in the ground. He should be fine. I now felt 3 pairs of eyes on me, wait three, oh~ I think I know who else is here. I just calmly walk over to the kid as the lady gets picked up by my favorite scarf when she was about to attack me.

"Hey kid, you okay?" I asked the scared child. The kid nodded and started to slow down his crying. "Okay can your tell me your name?" I asked as I scanned my eyes over the boy to check for injuries. "K-kota" "okay Kota, what were you doing out here all alone so late at night?" "Running away from my aunties house" Kota said in a really quite voice. "Oh, can I ask why you were running away?" Eraserhead was now tying the criminals up. "Because they kept looking at me with pity." Pity huh. Oh wait I recognize this kid now. "Are you perhaps the water hose heroes kid?"

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