Chapter 11

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I dont know what to call this chapter so ya get numbers this time, sorry.


Third p.o.v

If the class was drinking something they all would've done spit takes. Aizawa made his scarves go back around his neck while the class all began to yell questions at the poor boy that dropped from their ceiling. Aizawa sighed as he already felt the headache forming and began to look over the strange boy as he remembered the kid saying he was shot twice. As Aizawa was scanning over the kid, the boy looked over at him with a deadpan and pointed at his students while asking "Are they always this exhausting? And do they really not remember that I am injured here?" he said while gesturing to himself awkwardly due to the gunshot wound in his right arm. Aizawa snorted and hid the lower half of his face in his capture weapon. "Cmon kid, lets get you to Chiyo and notify Nezu of this. As for the rest of you, don't destroy the classroom." Aizawa turns to the younger Midoriya and asks if he wants his counterpart to join them. He answers with an, "if he wants to, I'm sure he has questions." The older Midoriya joins them. 

On the way to the infirmary, the two Midoriya's are talking as Aizawa is in front of them and texting Nezu. "Hey, just saying, I don't like being called by my last name, so y'all can either refer to me as Glitch or Izuku, anything besides my last name is fine really." Izuku says, which makes Aizawa silently question why. Midoriya on the other hand, asks politely "Do you not have a good relationship with our parents? Actually, have you ever met our dad, I haven't." "No, I don't. When my parents learned I was quirkless they decided that I was of no use, and ya know" Izuku said shrugging, "since I had no use, I was better off dead, obviously they failed. Everyone knows that when you try to kill someone you make sure they're actually dead before leaving, duh." Izuku said as he walked along. Aizawa and Midoriya stopped in shock and looked at the younger boy in concern. Aizawa wondered if his student, despite his powerful quirk, was in a safe home, he hoped he was.

Izuku stopped a few feet in front of the two shellshocked people and tilted his head in confusion. "You seriously didn't think I'd be a vigilante at my age without a sad backstory? I mean come on, I turned fourteen like yesterday in my universe and I'm standing here with two bullets in my body and a ton of scars, and you're surprised by that?" He asked sarcastically. "I mean I can understand why Midori is confused, but c'mon Eraser, you've seen much worse than me on the streets, you should know better." Izuku said before he continued to walk forward. Did he know where he was going? No. But dramatic effect is important. Aizawa and Midoriya catch up to the strange boy and the rest of the walk is mostly spent in silence. 

"Midoriya, to what do I owe the pleasure? You know where to go, just tell me what happened this time." Recovery Girl says. Midoriya sputters and eventually gets out that he is perfectly fine this time. Meanwhile Aizawa is hiding in his scarves, partially because it was a bit funny but mostly because he hates that his student already has a reputation for visiting Recovery Girl after only being in school for a few days. Izuku starts cackling behind the pair and surprises recovery girl. Midoriya moves out of the way while Aizawa is pushed away with Chiyo's cane, and when seeing the injured boy, she quickly ushers him to one of the beds. Nezu pops out of the vents and lands on the bed beside Izuku, who isn't surprised by the new figure in the room due to already hearing about all of his antics from the Staff Chat. 

"Hello it's me Nezu! I could be a dog, a mouse, or a bear, but most importantly, I am the principle!" Nezu introduces himself. "I always thought you were more of a stoat/You're actually a stoat" came the responses of the teenagers. Izuku was more confident in his knowledge of the principle being a stoat while Midoriya stated it nicer. Aizawa shivered in fear and Recovery Girl shook her head as Nezu grinned and said they were correct. "Now, I'd like to hear the story of how dear Izuku got to our universe while Chiyo checks him over. Izuku, I am letting you know now that you will have to repeat this to a detective later." Izuku's eyes lit up, "Is it detective Tsukauchi?" Nezu nodded and Izuku grinned, happy with the principle's answer. Izuku told Nezu what lead him to be in their universe while also not going too into detail. He told the stoat about the use of trigger on the woman's quirk, which they assume is why he was transported to another universe instead of someone random place in his own universe. Midoriya had also joined their conversation when they started talking about the woman's quirk and Aizawa could say that he did not like the look on his boss's face. He could only hope to the gods that they'd have mercy on the poor world. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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