A bit of an... interrogation

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Third p.o.v

Mei had invited both Hitoshi and Izuku over to her house for a weekend sleepover. While they mostly caused Mei's father to worry and Mei's mother to cackle with glee at the crackhead energy of the two gremlins, poor Hitoshi stood near Mei's dad and deadpanned at the chaos, they did actually have some calm moments. One of those moments would be at this very minute. Mei and Hitoshi had agreed to get Izuku to sleep, since he was rather sleep deprived from the many nightmares/memories he'd been having the last few nights, and they had finally done so. They did have to brainwash him to sleep though, but Hitoshi did say "to have a peaceful sleep" so the two awake teens are hoping their friend actually gets rest.

The three are piled on the shop-room couch, which happens to be in the corner dubbed as the "take a break and chill corner". Izuku is in between the two since Mei is too energetic to be in the middle and Hitoshi felt that he was being squeezed. While their green haired friend sleeps, they decided it was time to figure out who else was in the group chat, as that was the purpose of them being added. They've deduced that since Izuku is antisocial and a vigilante, the others in the gc must be other vigilantes or some heros or villains that are kind of, in between. There was also the chance that some of them could be from Izuku's job, but that would be highly unlikely. But they do have questions that must be asked.


Guess Who

Pinky: @everyone, we have questions to ask about your identities.

Purple: and we expect truthful answers.

Everyone-greeny is online

RatGod: I can say that everyone in this group chat will answer your questions honestly 🙂 However, I will ask that you do not ask who they are directly.

Pinky: good, and we won't.

Yellow&loud: where's the greenbean?

Purple: sleeping. As he should be. Now, pinky, if you would

Pinky: and I shall. @deadsleep, you seem to know greeny pretty good. What is your relationship with him?

Deadsleep: I work with him.

Purple: what type of work? And is this work at night or during the day?

Deadsleep: I am present for his vigilante escapades

Pinky: and how do you feel about crime?

Deadsleep: it is unnecessary, most of the time, illegal, and the bane of my existence

Purple: interesting.... now, @Yellow&loud, do you have a loud quirk?

Yellow&loud: yes I do

Pinky: does this quirk have to do with your voice by any chance?

Yellow&loud: it is a very important part of my quirk

Pinky: excellent. @pewpew, are you from a different country? And does your quirk have to do with guns?

Pewpew: yes to both

Purple: and what exactly does your quirk do?

Pewpew: it helps me never miss a shot with any weapon, guns are my main ones though

Pinky: cool, cool. @kissitbetter, can you heal people by kissing them, since that is your username?

Kissitbetter: yes that is what I can do

Purple: @Ratgod, are you able to control rats, or are you a rat?

Ratgod: I am part mouse

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