Happy Birthday to.... me

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I just wanna say that the day before Hitoshi and Izuku met was Hitoshi's birthday/ or July 1st, which is why it will not be celebrated in this chapter. Izuku and Hitoshi met on July 2nd. So no questions asking "what about Shinsou" or "Shinsou's birthday is in July too" yeah, I know it is, that's why I hope y'all read this cuz if you comment about it, I'm just gonna say look at the top of the chapter.


Third p.o.v

Eraserhead noticed that Glitch was becoming worse throughout the week and was debating knocking the kid out and letting him sleep on the couch again. But, he relented, and instead waited, as he did every year. 


Izuku's friends also noticed the way he became sadder, an almost nonchalant expression on his face. He looked worse every day, his eyebags growing to become worse than Hitoshi's in no time. At first, they believed that it was just something to do with his vigilante escapades, but the tracker he let them follow showed no signs of it being so. He was home at a reasonable time, he wasn't injured in any way, and he was taking care of himself. So, no one brought it up, maybe he was just having a really... really bad week.


Izuku was having a bad week. 

At work, he would get orders wrong, spill some of the drinks, trip over his own feet, and drop other orders. He spilled some drinks on some customers, some of which looked like jerks, but there was one who was just a very kind college girl who was also a regular - Izuku went to a room in the back and cried after that particular incident. It's started to get so bad that Grandma Suzi has been fretting over Izuku: telling him to take more breaks, giving him the simpler tasks, and has even started to talk about giving Izuku some paid time off. After bringing it up quite a few times, a few were back-to-back, Izuku relents after 4 days.

When going out at night, he tripped more than normal, either overjudged or underjudged many of his parkour runs, and fought quite a few annoying people. Eraser was, of course, worried about him, and it made Izuku feel bad. He hated that he couldn't be truthful to the man, and even if he could, how would one tell another that he was legally dead and his birthday/deathday was coming up? yeah, pretty hard to do. And even if it wasn't, Izuku didn't know how to get the words out, he didn't know if he would ever have to courage to tell the people in his life about it, and that's if they believe him. He lives life as if he was still legally alive; he has a job, does online schoolwork, and he acts like life is normal - aside from the vigilante (technically not) thing. Plus, Hitoshi and Mei don't know much about Izuku's past. Sure, they can speculate and probably have a good guess that it was shitty, but they don't know that he's technically homeless since the age of four - abandoned buildings do not count as a home apparently, just a shelter - and that his parents tried to- nope. he's spiraling enough at the moment, no need to go into that. Yeah, point is, horrible week so far. Izuku dreaded tomorrow.


3 Musketeers

Purple: alright, I'll say it: 1. who changed the chat name, 2. @greeny wtf is going on with you

Pinky: I changed it bc I can 😝 but yeah Z, whats up? youre really worryin us

Purple: @pinky Your grammar is immaculate.

Pinky: thank you 😁🙂

Purple: That wasn't ... ya know what? whatever idc. @greeny i see you lurking, please answer or I will show up at your house

Greeny: Thanks for the concern, but I'm fine, its just a bad week, don't worry about it.

Greeny: meaning that I don't want to talk about it

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