when not listening gets you friends

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Third p.o.v
Izuku, aka glitch, did not go to sleep. Sleep is for the weak anyways. But no, he decided that the best way to spend his time before work would be at Dogabah Municipal Beach, the inventors treasure chest if you will. Said beach is full of trash and no one, except crazy people, go there for anything other than dumping more trash onto the once beautiful sand. Tis a shame, truly. Izuku had been going to this beach to get invention material for as long as he could remember. And somehow he hadn't run into anyone, but of course the beach is quite big. Which leads to this weird situation...

Izuku's p.o.v
To say I wasn't confused right now would be a lie. Anyone would be confused in this situation. And honestly, why is some pink haired goggled gremlin doing in my material pile? I feel as though I've caught a wild animal in it's natural habitat and don't know how to proceed. So here I am just... staring at... well whatever this is or who it is.

"Uhhhh... What are you doing in my stuff?" At the sound of my voice the person in front of me turns around too quickly and hits their head on some trash that was above them. Honestly, same. "Are you okay?" I asked as I got closer to the person. The person who was rubbing their head looked up so quickly I'm sure they got whiplash and they just stared at me before doing the loudest gasp I have ever heard. "This is your pile?! You have a bunch of cool equipment and material here. You must have a real good eye for inventing if your piling this up. Oh what's your name bushy? I'm Hatsume Mei future CEO of Hatsume Industries. Are you going to be a support engineer too? You look about my age." The person in front of me kept rambling on while all I could think was 'bushy? I don't look like a bush...do I?'

"Helllloooooo" "uhh oh. Umm hi. I'm Izuku and yes this is my pile. Thanks for the compliments? I think? No I'm not going to be an engineer, I just like tinkering with support items." Hatsume lit up like a Christmas tree with LEDs. "You like to build support items. Oh my gosh we should totally make some babies together!" Cue the blue screen please because WHAT?! "B-babies?" "Oh that's what I call my inventions. I make them so they're like my babies." The Hatsume said smiling. I sighed in relief "ooh yeah that makes sense."

There was a few moments of awkward silence and I think Hatsume started staring off into space. "Well I'm just gonna grab what I wanted and leave, bye." I say as I move to grab the pieces I came here for. As I'm grabbing a motherboard from a smart board Hatsume turns towards me with a determined look on her face. "It's decided." Uh. "We're best friends now" what. I think as I stare blankly at her. "What?" I ask only to get ignored. "phone." Hatsume demands as she puts her hand out. Dumbly I hand her my unlocked phone and she puts her number into my contacts while handing me her own unlocked phone that is already opened to the contacts. I put in my number and name and then we switch phones again. She types something and then puts her phone away while I feel mine vibrate and look to see a text from her.

While I'm staring at the text message Hatsume walks past me and grabs what she was looking for earlier. "Welp. By bushy, we should invent together sometime." And then she just leaves. Weird. I grab my stuff and then walk home with it and still thinking about the interaction at the beach with Hatsume. I don't think I've had a friends since well, kachan really. And it's been 9 years? I think. Yeah. I don't know what happened but considering the girl's personality I am now stuck with whatever chaos gremlin she is. Huh. Welp. Time to spend my next 2 free from work hours tinkering with this watch database I'm making.

~ ✨time skip✨ because I can never remember the words to actually describe the process of making something nor explain coding that well even tho I was the best in my little class I did and still have the document with my codes for lights. Also I'm tired, have school in 7 ish hours, and it's 11:30 at night but I have ideas for once ~

Third p.o.v
Izuku was at work now, and honestly, he was very calm and at peace at the moment. Making and serving coffee mostly to a bunch of tired and depressed college students who were working on their homework while playing with the cats in the cafe was surprisingly therapeutic for Izuku. Add in the calming instrumental music in the background and you get inner peace. Sadly, the atmosphere would be broken by Izukus boss demanding he go on his break even though Izuku does not want to go on his break.

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