To Identify? Or To Not Identify?

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If you understand where I got the title from then you are cool. Yes it's a reference, not the actual quote.

Third p.o.v

When Izuku woke up the first time, it felt like someone had shocked him awake. He didn't know where he was or why he was there so he looked around in the darkness for a clue. Honestly, he thought he got kidnapped by villains again. But when he saw the scarf laying on the table next to him, he immediately calmed down and felt his exhaustion crash into him, so he went back to sleep. The second time he woke up, it was to the smell of perfectly buttered waffles in the process of being cooked. He woke up slower that time, and he was definitely more aware then before. His hand shot up to his face to find his mask there, which calmed him since his identity was not seen.

He sat up from his laying position to notice that someone had covered him with a blanket and taken a majority of his knives off of his body -he found them on the table as well. He took the blanket off of him and sat like a normal person on the couch. His shoes were still on his feet and so were the rest of his belongings, thankfully. Looking around him, he saw multiple pictures, most were of Eraserhead and Present Mic, some had other heroes like Midnight, Joke, and Ingenium in them. Izuku did notice a a couple of pictures had a guy with blue hair and a bandage on his nose in them, but Eraser and Present Mic looked to be teenager's in them. Izuku couldn't help but wonder who that person was, but he didn't question it.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty" Izuku heard a voice say sarcastically behind him and knew it was Eraser. "Aww. you think I'm beautiful?" Izuku asked jokingly. "No, you should actually go back to sleep for a long time for that" eraser said without missing a beat. Izuku started cackling and paused in his actions of putting his knives back on his body. Eraser smiled until Mic came up behind him and lightly smacked him for being rude to their guest, which earned the blonde a soft glare from his husband. "C'mon little listener, I made all of us some waffles for breakfast. Eat what you can but don't push yourself until you're sick." Mic kindly said, acting as if he didn't hit the underground hero just a second ago.

"Oh thank you present mic-san, but I wouldn't want to be a bother" Izuku said shyly. He also didn't want to have to take his mask off either. "Nonsense little listener. You're never a bother to us" Mic started, only to be cut off. "Mic, he has a mask on for a reason" eraser pointed out, stopping his husband in his tracks and pulling him into reality. "oh yeah. I forgot about that..." Mic sulked, which is why Izuku found himself standing at the door with a neatly packed bento in his hands, courtesy of Mic of course. "Don't worry about the bento Glitch. You can just give it back to me on patrol or something. And don't forget that we will be talking about what happened last night so we can avoid it in the future". Eraser told him as he was walking out of the door. Izuku just nodded his head in agreement, still confused by the enigma that is Present Mic. Izuku only realized that the bento box would keep him from avoiding Eraserhead when he was already a few miles down the road. He cursed himself for accepting the bento, even if the waffles were absolutely delicious and fluffy.

~time skippy~

Izuku was at work, fixing a coffee pastry for a customer, when Hitoshi stepped through the door. Hitoshi was in the area, since he was walking home from school, and decided to avoid his bullies by rushing to the coffee shop. He had hoped to see his new friend, the pretty quirkless boy who radiated green and kindness. In all fairness, he did send his new friend a text asking if he was at work a few minutes before, but apparently Izuku never looked at it. So yes, Izuku was quite shocked to see the hot purple boy who gave him gay panick the day before. Said purple boy, was calmly sitting on one of the few chairs placed at the counter, and staring right at Izuku with no care in the world. "Oh uh hi Shi- Shinsou." "hey." "Did you need something? Do you want to place an order?" Shinsou thought about and remembered he did have enough money on him today, his bullies couldn't find it. "Sure. Do you want to take it or should I go to the register?" "Oh I can take it since the prices are what we would charge anyway"

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