Getting Even

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Chapter five

Getting Even

Koruna couldn’t see anything through the red liquid substance but she could hear the laughter and mockery. She sighed and removed her glasses, cleaned her eyes with her hand, she opened her eyes to see the crowd before her and felt their gaze filled with contempt. Koruna laughed humorlessly and shrugged like she wasn’t wet and red.

“Give up now and go back to where you came from, this was a warning shot.” Annie came from behind a group of girls and from their stance, one could tell she was the leader of that squad.

Koruna walked past her without glancing at her, she made it through the first door, and she was passing through the corridor when it looked like it was raining tissues around her. Koruna looked like she was bathed in tissue, students gathered to make fun and take videos/pictures of her. Bernie walked to her and smirked in victory.

“Don’t you regret coming here now?” Bernie looked at her satisfied.

Koruna gently removed the tissues from her face and body, she grinned at him while shaking her head.

“You are cute, I will give you that but this is all sooooo disappointing. Let your sister give you a quick lesson. This can only work on people like you, people who attach a lot of importance on how people look at them which I don’t. The only thing I feel is this mucky gummy feel, if your plan was to mock me and make me feel small and stupid… It did not work except the stupid part because I feel really stupid right now walking around with whatever juice that was and tissue, so there you go. You succeeded Barney.”

Koruna winked and tried to walk past him.

Bernie held her back and his nostrils flared.

“You are right, I should have known better than to use the tools of our trade for someone so unworthy, since you are apparently unbothered by everyone mocking you… maybe it is time for me to upgrade. I am going to have so much fun breaking you.”
Koruna laughed so loud that Bernie released her hand.
“Barney oh Barney… You have no idea what to do with me, don’t you? While this is just clownish, I am not going to let it go. You can think about all the ways to “break” me, just know this, whatever you do to me, I will have my pound of flesh and it would be worse than anything you can come up with. This is a promise and I always, always keep to my promises. Can you show me to the university’s admin’s office or do you have a toy car waiting somewhere to hit me?”

Bernie stared at her, Koruna stared right back as if waiting for him to respond.

“Ookay then, looks like someone has lost the ability to talk.” Koruna side stepped him and moved on.

Another boy of similar age with Bernie looked at him in confusion… “Why does she keep calling you Barney?” 
Bernie realized he had an audience and shrugged. “She thinks she is funny.”

“Ooooh, she looks funny.” He noticed.

“That is because she is covered in concoction and tissue Matty.” Bernie sighed used to his questions.

“Why would she do that?” Matty continued.

“W..h… She is… Forget it.” Bernie walked away with Matty following behind.

Koruna found the admin office, the secretary was a middle aged plump woman in a dress suit and round rimmed glassed who stared at her in shock.

“Heyyy… We use similar glasses.” Koruna cheered which made her widen her eyes.

“Poor child, it is the Ballan twins again… Isn’t it?” She admonished.

“What is it? Their trademark?” Koruna asked in amusement.

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