There's always another Villain

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Chapter 91

There’s always another Villain

Ati’s men surrounded him to protect him as the others controlled the crowd out of the place, Ati steeped out of the circle of men and closed Jonathan’s eyes. He was bewildered at the precise shot which meant that the person could have aimed at him as well. He could not understand why Jonathan chose to end his life and at the same time he could see how a proud man like him would rather take his own life than pay for his crimes. Ati scoffed at the thought that Jonathan thought this was a dignified way of going but that was not how Ati saw it. Jonathan took the easy way out, instead of face the consequences of his actions, he ran. Ati hoped that for his sake, hell was real.

“Did you find him?” Ottah asked one of the men who had gone after the perpetrator.

“We found something, he was dead before we got to him. Suicide as well it seems.” He answered.

“I don’t understand, why did he have to kill himself if Jonathan was already dead. There was no one else to punish him. I don’t get it, people who do this… what goes through their head?” Grace wondered aloud.

“It means that Jonathan is not the end of the road.” Ati answered. “Hang his body at his house for three days.” Ati ordered.

“The police…” Louise was cut off by him.

“Are nothing. We chase them from the Flames tonight. Any of Jonathan’s men that refuses to surrender will be sent out as well. Anyone who makes it difficult for you, kill.” Ati said calmly as he stared into the distance.

Ottah looked at him shocked, he wasn’t aware of the plans made after Jonathan’s death, this was a bigger issue. The Elites will not allow Flames to exist independently, even though the police were basically Jonathan’s thugs, their presence meant that the hand of the Ministry was extended to this part of Nige. “What are you thinking?”

“What is the point of executioners of the law if all they care about is themselves. Flames needs to change, we will make our own forces, we will elect our own counsellors and most of all, we will stand in our own right. Slowly but surely, we will have the bare minimum it takes to not just survive.” Ati answered his men.

Louise smiled, “It’s a big dream Boss Man.”

“There are forces that will not allow that, it’s going to be a long fight. Are you ready for that?” Ottah asked.

Ati looked around him, it was painfully obvious how much of a mess Flames was, he knew that to get this place on track, he would not be enough. “Not just me, all of us. We have to be stronger than ever before. Jonathan was able to keep his seat because he satisfied the needs of the Council. From what I understand, the Council and the ministry are interchangeable. I might be a thug but I am greedy Ottah. “

Ottah understood Ati, underneath all that grit was someone who wanted better for himself. Ottah had given up hope long ago in Flames, he did whatever he wanted to survive and for a really long time, that was how he lived. Even with Ati, he worked for him for money and over time, he had begun to respect him . Ati was a balance of good and evil, Ottah scoffed as he thought about good and evil. This was why he decided to stand by him, someone who was worth living and dying for. He wouldn’t call Ati an activist, it was too tame a word. Even if Ati wanted to be a monarch, he believed that somehow Flames would be a better place. “I’m with you. I don’t understand your greed but I trust you.”

“I appreciate that.” Ati said and left them to their devices as he went into the next meeting. The one with the Arks.

Shola walked into the Ballan’s castle and was helped by the Guards into the main room, Margaret had rushed home from work when she heard Shola was at the house. She got startled when she saw Shola eating on the table, “Thank Goodness, I imagined the worst.” She said as she hugged him.

“Oh… I can handle myself.” Shola smiled.

“Your fingers are all there complete.” Margaret noted aloud.

Kelvin followed closely behind Margaret and sighed in relief when he saw Shola, “I am glad you are okay. What about your daughter?”

“She’s good. After Simi’s death, her men saw no reason to hold me anymore.” Shola said.

“Simi is dead???? How? What?!” Margaret sat opposite him, this was something she did not expect to hear about so soon especially since she was fairly certain Koruna was with her.

“You haven’t heard? I believe Koruna got to her. I don’t know what I was thinking encouraging Betsy to bring her into the household. I feel responsible for the whole can of worms that has been opened.” Shola frowned as if in deep regret.

“No, no…. This is good. You are alive and that’s all I can hope for. Koruna is doing her best for the family and for herself. She was worried about you, once I can reach her, she should know that you are alive and well with your ten fingers intact.” Margaret said excitedly.

Shola sighed deeply, “Kelvin sit, I need to talk to the both of you.”

Kelvin had never been called so seriously by him, “Please, if it’s a goodbye speech you have planned, I am not ready to hear it.”

“No, nothing of that nature. I need to talk to you about Koruna and her presence in our lives. My kidnap has made me think deeply about the choices I have made. Koruna is not like any of you, she is a brilliant young woman but she lacks the finesse of a Ballan. She’s crude, spontaneous and doesn’t think things through. There were different ways she could have handled Simi but she chose to kill her. It makes me afraid for whatever else she is capable of.” Shola said calmly while maintaining eye contact with Margaret.

“What are you saying?” Margaret asked carefully.

Shola took her hand in his, “The company, Betsy’s legacy… you deserve to run the company. You have everything it needs to thrive. You cannot let Koruna in, she will destroy it.”

Kelvin eyed Shola suspiciously and thought that maybe his close brush with dead had made him a little too crazy and paranoid. “That is quite a leap, Shola. I think you should take a bath, rest and think again. This is Koruna you are talking about.”

“And She is not interested in the organisation. You’re right, Koruna is impulsive but she won’t do anything to hurt this family. This is something that you know and have repeatedly said to us so what is the matter?” Margaret joined in.

Shola stood and paced round the room, “What if Koruna agreed to come into the family to take revenge for her father abandoning her?”

“You are talking crazy. Koruna is not responsible for the death of Betsy and our parents. You know this.” Margaret stared at Shola, the man who had practically raised her.

“No, no… I know she is not. I am talking about everything else. You are right, I need to rest, my mind is spinning out of control. I think I am finally breaking.” Shola said self-mockingly.

Margaret chuckled, “It would take more than Simi to break you. It’s been a long month, I am beginning to get the handle of the company. Although there are some parts that I might need your guidance on but you can take this time to rest.”

“I am sure that you are right. It’s just seeing Koruna do … I must be out of my mind.” Shola held his forehead as if in pain.

“What? What did Koruna do?” Kelvin frowned.

“Nothing, I am sure Simi deserved it.” He shook his head.

“What? What is it?” Margaret asked.

Shola brought a phone and played a video, the clip of Simi in pain and total misery except instead of Abriel’s face as the tormentor, it was Koruna. “Seeing her this way made me think that I do not know her as well as I thought I did.”

Margaret took a step backwards, “I am sure Simi deserved it.”

“Especially if she had anything to do with our parents death. How did you get this?” Kelvin asked.

“Simi has a thing for Cameras, she wanted me to watch as she tortured Koruna but then the taxes turned. I know Simi was a ruthless woman but what does it make us if we are just as ruthless, what makes us different from animals?” Shola closed his eyes as if scandalized.

Kelvin looked at the clip again and groaned, “I admit, this is more violent that I expected from her but you said it yourself. She was raised different, Koruna is just and you know that.”

“That’s the thing, I do not know that. There’s a fine line between justice and absolute cruelty and Koruna crossed that line without blinking. It has made me wonder what else I do not know about her. Then the thing about Precious’ death, it’s all too much. I just need you to be careful with her.” Shola said.

“For someone in captivity, you are very current.” Kelvin muttered.

“If that was a spat at my abilities, I will do well to remind you that I was here even before you were and so son… I would advise you to drop the sass.” Shola glared at him.

Kelvin swallowed, “Yes sir.”

“What exactly do you know about Koruna?” Shola asked.

“What do we need to know? She doesn’t know everything about us… heck, we don’t know everything about each other. I have never been to your house and I have known you all my life.” Margaret countered. She could not believe she was standing up for Koruna.

“We should correct that, it is wrong that you do not know my house. Oh, I remember… I am just the help.” Shola shrugged.

Kelvin noticed a little of bitterness leak for a second In his countenance, it was so short that he almost missed it but it was a familiar emotion. He knew how long he had harbored resentment against the family because of his position but Shola had always seemed so satisfied and unbothered. Kelvin assumed he must have been projecting but a nagging feeling remained at the back of his mind as Shola became someone different.

“Be careful around her, that’s all I am asking. The last thing I need is her corrupting your minds. It is never okay to pay violence with violence. There is a reason we have a justice system.” Shola emphasized.

“Our justice system is anything but just. It’s a completely broken system that is occupied by the Flames. You yourself has said this many times not to trust the men with caps so what is this. Wait… did Simi do anything to your brain? Like she did to Koruna’s friend?” Kelvin gasped.

They both look at Shola with interest, “That would make sense.” Margaret said.

Shola chuckled lowly at first then progressed to full blown laughter as he relaxed on the couch, “Oh God. That was funny.”

“It wasn’t a joke.” Kelvin said firmly.

“I’ll admit, Simi is good but it would take more than her to break my mind. Let’s talk after I have had more rest, I should have more clarity by then.” Shola walked to the door, he opened to see Koruna leaning on a pillar as she grinned knowingly at him.

“Please, don’t stop on my account. It was just getting good. Mr Shola, I swear you should take up acting. You have the looks and the skills for it. I almost doubted myself.” Koruna smirked.

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