Payback is Simi

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Chapter 85

Payback is Simi


Simi looked at her interestingly, “What?”

“What?” Koruna responded with a smile. “You couldn’t wait to see me and I couldn’t wait to see you. Now we are both satisfied.”

Simi frowned, “Got my gift?”

“Which? The cuffs or the fingers?” Koruna calmly asked.

“Both, nice touch. That’s for destroying my island.” Simi walked leisurely around the chair.

“You are welcome, I can’t take all the credit I’m afraid.”

“Fear is what I expect you to feel right now, do you know what this chair is?” Her nails tapped on the chair Koruna was cuffed to.

Koruna chuckled, “I am sure since it’s from you, it cannot be anything good.”

“It’s simple, it is the electric chair. The zaps you used to feel … something like that except heightened and it can go for a long time.”

“Electricity again, you have no imagination.”

That seemed to get Simi agitated. It was then Koruna knew that she was not as aloof as she was pretending to be, the attack on the island definitely put a rift in her plans.

“Trouble in paradise?” Koruna taunted.

“You will not be able to smile by the time I am done with you.” Simi promised as she pressed a button and told the person on the other end to come in.

Abriel opened the door and lowered her head to Simi, “You know how this works, after all you were it’s first recipient.” Simi said to Abriel without looking at her.

“I have always wondered how you felt about Abriel being here, hating you, working for me. It can’t feel good, can it?” Simi smirked at Koruna.

Koruna grinned sincerely, “No, it did not. It did put things in perspective. Where are we?”

“Did you expect me to answer that?” Simi laughed ridiculously.

“I wasn’t talking to you.” Koruna answered and winked at her.

Simi shook her head confused, and more confused as Abriel answered, “One of the abandoned docks. Underneath her condescending, proud body. She is a coward surprisingly.”

“What is happening?” Simi backed away towards the door.

“Help please.” Koruna asked completely ignoring Simi.

Abriel walked towards her and released her hands and feet detaching her from the chair. Koruna stood and cracked her neck as she watched Simi try to open the door.

“Nice touch with the door.” Koruna commented.

“Nah, it’s all her. A fail safe to ensure that whoever is imprisoned here can never escape, ironic that her own creation is working against her.” Abriel said with a cold smile at Simi.

“Desperation does not look good on you.” Koruna laughed humorlessly.

“I beg to differ, she looks absolutely delicious… look at those eyes, oh she is trying to psychologically prepare herself now that she sees there is no way out. Now, she is looking at us with determination, I am almost impressed.” Abriel said dryly.

Simi looked at Abriel with surprise, “When?”

“Not too long ago, don’t bother with the details.” Abriel answered as she touched Simi’s shoulders.

Simi attacked her but Abriel was faster and stronger, Abriel slapped her when she gained an opportunity and dragged her to the electric chair and fastened the restraints.

“What will you do to me?”

“Whatever I want.” Koruna paused and then, “Whatever she wants and then we will be taking requests as well. Apparently there’s a long list of people who don’t like you. Shocking, isn’t it?”

Simi swallowed and gazed nervously towards Abriel, “We have been through so much together. I am all you have left.”

“You are right. It will be sad to see you go but… I think it’ll be fun. You like having fun, don’t you?” Abriel laughed cruelly.

“Look, we can strike a deal, I will release Shola and I will give you whatever you want. Just name it, Koruna, you are smarter than this. There is nothing to be gained if I die now but I can give you everything, everything Koruna.” Simi haggled.

Abriel patted her cheeks, “Oh, she’s cute, very cute. Remember when I begged you for death?” She whispered in her ears. “I promised you that I will have my way and it was a good idea to kill me but you are so stubborn.”

“It is easy to fall, very easy. How can your combat skills be so low?” Koruna muttered out loud as she played around with a control, “Which is which?”

Abriel left Koruna and explained how the buttons work, how to increase and reduce voltage. Simi was struggling to release herself from the bonds while the two of them paid her no attention. She was stuck with them, the door could only be opened from the outside. Simi was more afraid of what Abriel would do to her, she had overseen her training and knew the kind of cruelty she was capable of. Simi was disappointed that somehow Abriel broke through, it made all the work and effort that she had put in over the years obsolete. How proud she was of her work on Abriel, she had been the hardest one to break, and when she broke. She was everything she dreamed of and more. Simi was in trouble but she wondered what made Abriel break through, maybe she could find a way to circumvent it for the future. All she had to do was get out of here first.

“Girls, girls, girls… You can do better than me, be better, what do you…Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh” She screamed as Koruna switched on the electric chair.

Koruna stopped and glowered at her, “You were saying?” She pressed the button again, using different voltages as Simi screamed and screamed. She looked at Simi, “Do I have your attention?” Koruna bent and looked at her, “Do you know Flora?”

Simi was sweating profusely as she looked at Koruna, she spat at her instead. Koruna cleaned her face and shrugged, “Your turn.”

Abriel opened a box filled with different drugs, Simi shuddered in fear at the sight of it. “This one will ensure that you feel every pain, every touch, every hit, every ache.” She dangled a small bottle in front of Koruna as she filled an empty syringe. Abriel bent Simi’s head and injected her neck forcefully then walked back to the box as she picked another bottle, “This one will ensure that you do not pass out. We can’t have that, can we?” She injected Simi again with it then picked up a scissors, the first thing she did was to slash Simi’s face.

Simi’s voice rang loud and hard that even Koruna flinched but not Abriel, she seemed to enjoy every moment she tortured Simi. Abriel massaged Simi’s tied hands before she started removing every fingernail, Abriel worked very slowly to ensure that Simi felt everything until all ten fingers were removed. Abriel sighed satisfactorily at her work and squat as she smiled manically maintaining eye contact with Simi. Simi shook her head as she started on the toe nail.

Koruna listened to Simi’s screams, she could not find an ounce of pity for her but she was very surprised at the calmness in which Abriel handled Simi. Even if Abriel had regained consciousness of some sort, she was forever changed, even if people heard her scream from outside they would assume it was Koruna. Afterall, Koruna doubted that they weren’t used to people screaming from the room. She avoided watching Abriel work and just allowed the scream wash through her, when she got here Koruna knew that she would have to become the worst part of her but somehow her worst might just be Abriel’s best.

“That is beautiful, don’t you think?” She said to Simi.

Simi’s face was filled with blood as she looked at Abriel venomously, with a gasp she answered. “She will never accept you, she hates you just as much as she hates me. Don’t kid yourself, after I go it will be you.”

Abriel rolled her eyes, “You disappoint me, I think it’s time to use Mr. Red, it was always your favourite, right. What did you say to me then? Hmmmm, there is still some fight in you left.”

Simi turned completely pale at that, even if she was barely hanging by a thread. Now, she looked terrified, “No no no no… I will do anything, anything.”

“Don’t look so down, you should be proud. This is what you created me for, isn’t it? Now watch your best work work.” Abriel released her and she slid to the ground. Simi crawled towards Koruna as Abriel went back to the box and brought out a bottle with colourless liquid. She filled the syringe with it as Simi begged Koruna.

“You can’t let her do this to me, I know you, you are not this wicked. Please I know I have been terrible but I haven’t … please stop her Koruna.” Simi held Koruna’s leg as she begged.

“What is in the bottle?” Koruna asked in a quiet voice.

Abriel looked at Koruna, “It will bring her biggest fears to life for a minute.”

Koruna saw how subservient Abriel was being and hated it, she hated her but she hated how small she sounded, she ignored her look and asked, “Is that part of what she did to you?”

“Yes.” Abriel said simply.

“Give it to me, it’s my turn.” Koruna said and the syringe was handed to her.

“Thank you, thank you…” Simi said gratefully.

Koruna lifted her chin, “This isn’t fun, why did you fold so easily. Where is that pride? Where is that brilliance? Simi… is this all you are? A mortal, so fragile…”

“I will do anything.” Simi said while tears fell from her bloody face.

“I want to be the one who causes you the most pain, for the people you have hurt, for the ones who have been lost to your lust, greed and wickedness. At the end… this is everything you are. A coward, a fraud and most of all, nothing. Simi, you are nothing.” Koruna said just before she injected her.

Simi dashed backwards as fast she could but it was too late, she stared at Koruna in shock, her plan was to use Koruna’s empathy. Something must have happened to make her this hard, she looked at Abriel and Koruna and coughed as she wondered if it was the same thing that happened to both of them. Koruna took Simi’s phone and opened the lock with Abriel’s help. “Jonathan might be an ass but he was right, the best way to destroy anything is from inside. You love keeping up appearances, don’t you? I am sure that the drug will hit soon, how do you feel about your contacts seeing you at your weakest? It has to hurt, doesn’t it? I am going to give them the chance to contribute to your downfall.” Koruna said mimicking Simi’s tone for when she taunted her.

“P… P…lease… No… no … Noooooooooo” Simi tried to talk but she felt like she was choking as she screamed hallucinating that she was drowning and coughing up water.

Koruna had pressed record on her phone as she ensured that she was the only person in view, Abriel stood beside her focused on Simi as she ran about as if someone was pursuing her. The comments had already started pouring in as people recognized her. Koruna read some of them and was trying to figure out which amongst them was more suspicious when a comment from a familiar number striked her core as the person asked, “WHERE ARE YOU?”

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