Bootcamp 2

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Chapter 62
Boot Camp 2

R’ao frowned in Koruna’s direction, Koruna had given him the most venomous look he had ever seen on her. He tried to move closer to her but she turned her back on him and he saw that as a warning, he knew she would be angry but he didn’t expect to see her here. He had already calculated that by the time he went back, her anger would have lessen. He did not think that he would have to face her at the time so early, he was confused as to what to do since he had never had to placate anyone. He pulled down the top of his jumpsuit and tied it round his waist as the people who had fallen dusted themselves and they waited for the next instruction.

Koruna hid her face from him afraid that it might reveal too much, she was angry at him… so angry that she was sure she would do something unexpected like kill him publicly. His stupid arms and hair that doesn’t seem to go out of place annoyed her more.

There was a man who was dressed in black to them, he had a cap and a whistle around his neck. He was of medium height and seemed to be in charge of the other enforcers. He blew the whistle and other enforcers shifted backwards as parts of the ground opened and sprinklers went into action and water was sprayed on them. The water was cold like it had been kept frozen for a while, Koruna shuddered at the cold water. R’ao threw a glance at her which she returned with a glare.

The other people dressed like her screamed and rained cusses at the men in uniform. She saw that amongst them were only two ladies, the others were men. The other girl pretended like she did not exist, she did not even flinch at the cold water, she stood with her legs apart and her arms folded. Koruna stared abashedly at her, the girl’s hair was cropped to her scalp. The cut did nothing to harden her features, she looked like she stepped out of a princess story if you just focused on her face alone but her legs and arms made her look like she had been a body builder in another life. It was as if she was determined to break the stereotype that came with her kind of face.

The girl noticed Koruna staring and glared at her, Koruna did not remove her gaze but grinned at her instead. She cracked her knuckles as if threatening Koruna, She winked at her in response which made her pause. Koruna removed her gaze then as if her aim was accomplished as she smiled satisfactorily. After the sprinklers stopped, the uniformed did and said nothing. The sun seemed hotter all of a sudden, it was uncomfortable and itchy for Koruna and the other people involved.

After a while, the sprinklers
were released but instead of cold water, it was an irritably warm water that was released. Koruna grew more annoyed by the hour which she guessed was their intention. She maintained her cool but the others were not the same as they had started to rant and shout at the men. There was a lot of “Do you know who I am?” going around but the uniformed men didn’t react. One of the men got angry and tried to attack one of the guards, before he could get in contact he shook like he was being electrocuted. One of the other people like him tried to check if he was alright and he shook like him immediately he touched him.

Everyone gave them a wide berth, R’ao had drawn closer to Koruna but she behaved like he wasn’t there, completely ignoring his existence. Everyone kept quiet and looked at each other cautiously, R’ao still looked like he had better things to do, one of the calmer ones sighed out loud and tried to make conversation but everyone ignored him, Koruna gave him a sympathetic smile which he returned.

Koruna noticed how she was different from the rest of them, if this had happened in the Flames, she would have made a friend even if they were sizing each other up. Everyone here behaved like they were better than the other. Some had even tried to talk to R’ao trying to find out his family name but he had ignored them all. Koruna tried to sit on the ground but she felt a light zap on her butt and she had no option but to stand. The sun was going down and it was beginning to get cold, she missed her bed all of a sudden and it’s comfort. The sprinklers opened when the moon was out and cold water was sprayed on them, R’ao tried to shield Koruna but she stepped away from him.

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