Working Hard

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Chapter 58
Working Hard

Koruna paused and frowned at Kelvin, “What do you mean?”

“I don’t think we should discuss this here.” R’ao suggested they go to his mansion and they agreed. Everyone made their way to the Ark’s mansion but not in the direction Koruna went before, it was the other smaller building away from the main house. R’ao led them to his office, there were no cameras, maids or guards in the building. R’ao made them drop their phones and other electronic devices at the door before they entered the house.

“You have a thing for personal space, don’t you?” Koruna said as she marveled at the house, it had a similar vibe to the hidden space at the school. The place smelt like him and Koruna could see that he loved his alcohol, there was another bar in the house.

“Do you have a thing against colors?” Lola murmured as the house was painted in white or grey. It was disconcerting to her as everything was so neat and in place, she had an urge to take a book out of place.

“Back to you, what do you mean?” Koruna sighed as she sat, everyone sat in different places. R’ao ensured to sit near to Koruna, Lola sat close to Oni who groaned internally.

“I forced Shola’s hand to tell Charles about your existence when I found out. I had overheard…"

He sighed and continued, "Okay, I intentionally spied on Shola to have access to information that I could sell when I heard one of his men talk about you. The more I listened, the more I understood. I thought it was a chance for me to have a partner or someone that is as inconsequential as I was in the house and so I confronted Shola and threatened him to tell Charles or I would.” Kelvin clasped his hands together to control his trembling.

“Shola did and Charles went to find you, I don’t know what had happened but he became different and withdrawn. I was curious and so I became close to his personal guard, that way I cloned his phone and was able to listen in on his conversations. I got to understand that you had a job and Charles was desperate to stop you from taking it that he bribed another girl from Flames, I believe her name was Abriel. Charles was always exchanging words aggressively with an unknown man on the phone, I couldn’t get what the man said most of the time because I had used a low grade device, something from the early era. It was the only thing that could bypass his phone security but there was one word that came up most of the time, Council. It seemed that Charles was at odds with the Council.”

R’ao and Oni exchanged looks, Koruna took note of their reactions and decided to file that away for another time, Kelvin continued. “I could only listen in when he is close at range and he was usually out. No, I couldn’t record as well. I didn’t see the need to risk it after all I just needed what I could sell and I didn’t take anything seriously until the day he died. I know that Shola and Betsy also thought he was murdered. Everything changed the day he discovered your existence, he got into more arguments and he got more threats. I thought it was all a coincidence until now. If I didn’t make Shola tell him the truth, maybe Charles would have been alive and Betsy too. I couldn’t tell you when the others were here because I was ashamed and I don’t have the guts to look at them.”

“Is that true? I think you didn’t want to tell them because then they’ll know you are also spying on them.” Koruna eyed him suspiciously.

“That too.” Kelvin admitted.

There was collective murmuring, R’ao gave Oni the signal to add to the conversation. “We have heard of the Council as well, before Moses Makun died he mentioned them but he didn’t live long enough to explain who they were. I think we should lay all our cards maybe we would be able to fit in parts of the puzzle.”

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