Playing with fire 2

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Chapter 41
Playing with Fire 2

R’ao changed places with Oni in the middle of the night very quietly so as not to wake Koruna up. He wanted to hold her hand but stopped when he was about to touch her, his father’s words ran through his head.

Sometimes he could not tell with his father, there were times he knew he was manipulating him yet he always did as he wanted. He could not figure out if he was just wired to receive orders or he did not trust himself enough to make decisions regarding his life and the people around him. R’ao was about to remove the hand hovering on Korunas’ when she grabbed it and gently opened her eyes.

“Hey” Koruna whispered.

R’ao smiled, “Hi."

Koruna sat with R’ao’s help, she wanted to ease the worry on his face. He was trying really hard to hide how exhausted he was, “Come, we can share the bed.”

“I don’t think that is a good idea.” He murmured.

“I promise I will keep my hands to myself, most of it anyway.” She winked.

R’ao laid beside her and dragged her closer until his head was slightly on her chest. He was careful not to hold her tight, Koruna ran her hand through his hair.

“I am jealous of your hair, it’s so thick.” She murmured.

“Yours is better, how was today?”

“Without you, boring.”

“Why, Oni couldn’t entertain you?” He chuckled.

“I don’t think he could entertain himself unless I manage to get him drunk.” She smiled.

He scoffed, “He would never allow himself that much luxury.”

“Hmmmmm, what about you? What would you allow yourself?” Koruna asked as gently as she could.

She felt him stiffen, she held him tighter and sighed, “I am not fragile R’ao, what are you so afraid of? I already know you kill people when you have to and I know you are engaged to a brat. What else is making you so apprehensive?”

He tried to give her some space but Koruna wrapped her legs round his waist. “Not today R’ao.”

“Kor…” he sounded like he was pleading.

“No.” Koruna kissed his forehead, “Why don’t we do it this way? I share a secret and you divulge yours, that way we can get to know each other better. Who knows? I might not be the person you thought I was.”

He clicked his tongue, “I think I know you better than that.”

“Just because you have someone looking after my every moves doesn’t mean you know me.” Koruna chuckled at the way he froze.

“What do you mean?”

“Relax, I’m not mad and I’m not an idiot but I am flattered though. Stalker.” She teased him.

R’ao relaxed when he saw that she wasn’t offended, “I am sorry, I just wanted to know everything about you.”

“Are you?”


“Sorry, are you sorry?”

R’ao pulled her closer, “No, I am not.”

“It’s okay, I don’t mind. It doesn’t change the fact that I will kick Flank’s ass.” Koruna sniggered.

“How did you know he was the one?”

“I didn’t, you just told me and it was a good guess, he would sell his soul for money.” She rolled her eyes.

“What if I said I broke up the engagement with Precious?” She felt him smile.

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