Fray Stars

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In the fictional Thrasher City is a no-holds-barred competition called Fray. Over there, fighters all over the city fight against one another every year to become the next champion, or "Fray Star." Each of the contestants possesses a variety of skill sets consisting of machinery, martial arts, athleticism, weaponry, and even magic. When Rein Yanagi, a descendent of a ninja clan, comes to Thrasher City for the first time, a stranger approaches her and invites her to Fray. Upon arrival, she is subsequently pulled into the game and realizes that she must win if she wants to get out.


Rein Yanagi: An eighteen-year-old girl from a fictional island called Shendaljima. Rein is a descendent of the Yanagi clan, a lineage of ninjas who are said to be blessed with the powers of the Zodiac Animals. Upon arriving in Thrasher City, she gets invited to Fray, only to be pulled into the competition against her will. Rein follows the olden way of the ninja and can summon only three spirits of the Zodiac Animals: the Snake, the Rabbit, and the Dog. Also, her arsenal consists of a katana and a set of throwing knives. Rein is naturally curious, adaptive, outgoing, and intuitive, but overly trusting and ditzy. Rein eventually accepts her place in Fray and even catches the attention of Fray's reigning champion, Lord Sirius. Her alias in Fray is Phantom.

Julius "JD" Dorian: A nineteen-year-old young man and a competitor in Fray. JD is possessed by the spirit of the Phoenix, granting him the ability to control fire. To keep himself from losing control over his flames, he wears a special amulet given to him by a shaman named Zhou. Under Zhou's training, JD learned martial arts and created several moves that uses his flames. An adept and clever fighter, he tends to hide his emotions and is also ill-tempered. Initially fixated on becoming the next Fray Star, his goals begin to change when he meets Rein and has since become her confidant. When not competing in Fray, he goes to college and works as a waiter at a local restaurant. His alias in Fray is Blaze.

Mirabel Garcia: A twenty-four-year-old woman who is known to be the most ruthless fighter in Fray. In battle, Mirabel wears facepaint and owns a pair of gauntlets that make powerful punches. Though she is merciless to her opponents in Fray, she is spunky when she is not fighting in Fray. Mirabel works at a local automotive repair shop as a mechanic, where she made her gauntlets. Her alias in Fray is Matadora.

Camille Leon: A fifteen-year-old girl who is known in Fray for her agility and quick thinking. Camille fights with a whip that can stretch like a rubber band so she can reach her opponents to strike them from afar. She is initially haughty because of her capabilities, but she becomes easygoing and optimistic. Camille takes ballet and gymnastics in her free time. In Fray, she only goes by Camille.

Lucy Yin: A ten-year-old martial arts prodigy. Lucy owns a pair of fans that can expand her size to strengthen her wind attacks. In Fray, she displays a cold and remorseless persona, but her true personality is that of a shy but kind young girl. Lucy's family owns a dojo and they are always cheering for her when she is competing to be the next Fray Star. In Fray, she is called Iron Fan, named after her dojo. 

Erik Weiss: A nineteen-year-old young man who is JD's rival in Fray. Erik comes from an aristocratic family that is known for its long lineage of ice magic users. As his powers imply, he can manipulate ice, trap his opponents and cause the air to turn cold. Erik seeks to become the next Fray Star in hopes of restoring the Weiss family's prestige. Though he is arrogant because of his social status, he feels pressured by the burden of rejuvenating his family's reputation.

Aloe Spring: A thirty-three-year-old man who tends to wear flamboyant outfits in Fray. Aloe's skill sets consist of a plant-shaped dual scythe that can be split in half as well as plant-based bombs that can cause fatigue, nausea, and hallucinations. Though he is aloof to the other competitors of Fray, he doesn't hesitate to heal their wounds with a unique aloe vera gel of his creation. Outside of Fray, Aloe runs a flower shop and is happily married with three young daughters. His alias in Fray is Jasmine.


"You're not from around Thrasher City, are you?" the blond stranger asked as he raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

"Would it bother you if I said no?" Rein replied as she popped another fry in her mouth.

"Not really." The stranger shook his head.

As soon as the silver-haired girl swallowed, Rein asked, "So why did you want to talk to me?"

"I saw you fight those stragglers in that alley and I thought you would fit in," he answered.

"Fit in where? Here in Thrasher City?"

"Yes, but there is someplace else you should know about while you are here," the blond stranger smirked before he asked, "Tell me, are you familiar with Fray?"

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