Super Rookies

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In a world where nearly half of Earth's population has superpowers, superheroes are tasked to help maintain order and peace around the world. In the city of Westfield, Yona Gibson--AKA She-Wolf--is one such superhero who is mildly famous for helping the police capture and detain criminals and supervillains. However, she suddenly becomes shocked by her latest assignment: to train five young superhumans who are to be her sidekicks. Though Yona is not experienced with being a mentor, she is determined to come out of her comfort zone and show her new sidekicks around the world of heroes. But as she slowly gets to know these youths, she realizes a part of herself she never knew she had.


Yona Gibson/She-Wolf: The main protagonist. She is a twenty-five-year-old woman with spiky grayish-blue hair and gold eyes. Yona is the adopted daughter of one of Westfield's top politicians and is mildly famous for helping the police catch and detain the city's heinous criminals and supervillains. Her powers allow her to transform into a werewolf-like beast with enhanced speed, strength, and a heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing. Yona is a charismatic, brave, and empathetic individual who is also stubborn and hotheaded. Now tasked to train five teenagers, she slowly finds herself getting attached to them as she gets to know them.

Elliot Williams/Orion: A sixteen-year-old boy with dirty blond hair and green eyes. Elliot comes from a prestigious family of superheroes and is expected to be one to continue the family's legacy. He has a birthmark on his forehead that is shaped like a four-pointed star, which illuminates because of his powers. Under Yona's tutelage, Elliot learns how to manipulate the light from his forehead in various ways. Initially dedicating himself to his parents' expectations of him, he realizes that he does not have to be perfect to become a superhero and strives to live for himself.

Amara Myers/Hologram Girl: A fourteen-year-old African-American girl with long dark brown hair with lime green sideburns and aqua green eyes. Amara can summon holograms of anything and anyone she can think of but will fade away if she falls unconscious. She is bubbly and witty but is also clumsy. She also likes technology and tends to carry a tablet around, especially during a fight against a supervillain. Amara lives with her equally tech-savvy uncle, who she is close with due to her parents always working.

Dante Sanchez/El Guerrero: A sixteen-year-old Mexican-American boy with spiky brown hair, tanned skin, and hazel eyes. Dante's family is poor and he chose to become a superhero because of the financial benefits. His powers allow him to absorb energy from any hit he takes and channel said energy into his arms. However, using this ability puts him at risk for injury, requiring him to wear special gauntlets that not only protect his arms but enhance his power. Dante is sociable, generous, and doting but like Yona, he has a short temper and tends to clash with the latter when they don't see eye to eye. Dante is the oldest of four siblings, who he cares for more than himself.

Raven Shaw/Violet Storm: A fifteen-year-old girl with blonde hair tied in a ponytail with a purple streak in her bangs and brown eyes with a scar over her left eye. As a child, Raven's mother was arrested for abusing her for "not being normal." She became reclusive and cynical ever since, only confiding in her father and grandmother with her thoughts and feelings. Raven has electrokinetic abilities and using them will cause her hair to turn purple. While under Yona's tutelage, Raven slowly begins to open her heart to her peers and openly express herself.

Maki Usui/Uzumaki: A fifteen-year-old Japanese-American boy who has black hair with white streaks in his bangs and heterochromia; his right eye is dark gray while his left eye has a spiral on it. Maki is autistic, having an obsession with spiral-like patterns and spinning objects as well as hating loud noises and large crowds. Nonetheless, he is a capable and intelligent fighter, for he always observes the enemy as well as his surroundings. Maki can summon spiral-like glyphs that can control people's minds and make objects spin, but overusing his powers will result in dizziness and nausea. Maki is quirky, independent, and reliable but is also timid and rarely speaks unless the situation calls for it. His hobbies are drawing and raising snails.


"So, you guys must be the kids I was told to train," Yona said with her hands on her hips. "Allow me to introduce myself. You all know me as She-Wolf, but my real name is Yona Gibson. When we're not on patrol, you all can call me Yona. As you all know, I can turn into a werewolf-like beast. Now, it's your turn to introduce yourselves. What are your names, what do you go by as heroes, and what are your powers? Who wants to go first?"

"Oh, me!" A bespectacled girl with dark skin and dark brown hair with lime green sideburns raised her hand. "My name is Amara Myers. My hero name is Hologram Girl and I can summon holograms of anything I can think of."

"Nice," Yona gave her a nod. "Does anyone else want a turn?"

"Here," a muscular boy with tanned skin and a scar on the bridge of his nose raised his hand. "I'm Dante Sanchez. My hero name is El Guerrero and I can draw energy from hits and channel it into my arms."

"I'm Elliot Williams," a boy with dirty blond hair and a four-pointed star-shaped birthmark on his forehead chimed in. "I go by Orion and I can manipulate light. The only way you can see it is through my birthmark, though."

"My name is Raven Shaw," a blonde girl with a scar over her left eye said. "My hero name is Violet Storm and I have electrokinesis."

Yona nodded before turning to the last one, a boy with black hair with white streaks and a spiral for a left eye playing with a fidget spinner. "What about you, kid?" she said as the boy looked up from his fidget spinner before pointing at himself. "Yes, you. Tell us about yourself."

The boy puffed his cheeks and turned to the other four as Elliot gestured at him to keep the conversation going. With a nod, he slipped his fidget spinner into his pockets and said, "I'm Maki Usui. My hero name is Uzumaki and I can make spirals."

"I see," Yona nodded again. "With that settled, it's nice to meet you, everyone."

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