Are You Okay, God?

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A young mage named Barley finds himself summoned into the thriving Kingdom of Hope. There, he meets others who were brought to the kingdom before him and learns of their kingdom's God, InsomniaFreak. One night, a curious Barley connects himself to the kingdom's Prayer Tree, only to discover the truth about his world. He realizes that his world is a video game called God's Will, and the Kingdom of Hope's God is one of the game's many players, a hopeless young woman named Kate Gardner. By communicating with Kate through her phone, Barley begins to form a relationship with his God, checking on her by asking the eponymous phrase, "Are you okay, God?"


Barley: The main protagonist. Barley is a mage who was recently summoned into the Kingdom of Hope, where he bonds with other characters and learns of the kingdom's God. But after connecting to the Prayer Tree and discovering the truth about his world and his God, Barley decides to get to know Kate. Barley is kind and ever-curious but tends to daydream a lot. As a Hero character in God's Will, he is a Forest-type magic user.

Kate Gardner: A hopeless twenty-year-old woman who is unemployed and rarely leaves her home. Kate plays God's Will every day to cope with her feelings of anxiety. Having recently pulled Barley through the game's gacha system, she is initially shocked by the former speaking to her through her phone. But then, Kate becomes attached to him as he becomes her literal comfort character. Kate has an interest in drawing but is reserved about explaining them to others.

Clover: A rabbit-like woman who acts as a guide for Barley from the moment he is summoned into the Kingdom of Hope. Clover was the first Hero character in God's Will to have been summoned by Kate, and she has since watched the Kingdom of Hope grow. She is spunky and outgoing, but she can be a perfectionist and will occasionally lose her temper. As a Hero character, Clover is an Earth-type charger.

Lio the Stray: A fox-like bandit and a Hero character in God's Will who is a Fire-type ambusher.

Rylee McCloud: A Hero character in God's Will who is a Light-type magic user. He is often seen around Lio.

Princess Lotus: The frog-like princess of the Swamp Clan and a Hero character in God's Will. She is a Water-type healer.

Natalia Smythe: An NPC in God's Will. She is a prodigy inventor who sells her gadgets to Hero characters.

Shelley Gardner: Kate's older sister who works at a dog daycare. While Shelley does care for her sister, she is constantly worried for her well-being.


Barley slowly opened his eyes and gasped in shock as he found himself floating in a strange dark void. Surrounding him were clusters of ones and zeroes everywhere he looked. He didn't understand how he got there. All Barley did was place his hand on the Prayer Tree because he wanted to speak to InsomniaFreak.

"Hello? InsomniaFreak?" Barley called, only receiving echoes of his words.

As he kept looking around, he suddenly spotted a faint light from far away. Barley squinted at the glow and suddenly, he found himself swimming through the void to get to it. As he approached the small glare, he saw it getting bigger until it formed a white rectangle. Once he was close enough, Barley realized the rectangle was as tall as him. Without thinking, the mage reached his hand toward it and tapped on it. Then, he yelped and backed away as the white rectangle flickered until an image appeared on it.

Barley raised an eyebrow at the picture. From what he could see, it was a bedroom with a messy bed, a crooked purple rug near the door, and dark gray walls. The walls were decorated with colorful posters and small pictures held with pushpins. Next to the bed was a nightstand with a single black lamp standing on it. On the side of the room was a bookshelf holding books and small stuffed animals. Barley even noticed a desk that had a strange rectangular object that emitted light and the horizontal blinds were closed.

As Barley kept observing, he noticed someone was sitting at the desk. She was a woman with pale skin, bags under her eyes, and unkempt brown hair that went down her upper back. She wore a dark gray hoodie with white accents on the sleeves, black shorts, and black and white striped socks that reached her thighs. She was curled up on a chair with wheels and her tired-looking eyes were fixated on the right of the rectangular object on her desk. As Barley stared at her, he wore a face of concern as he thought, She doesn't look too well...

With a deep breath, Barley reached his hand out to touch the rectangle in front of him again. But before he could, he grunted as he was suddenly pulled away from the rectangle and the void around him went white.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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