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Siblings Nate and Kirstie Bolton transfer to another school due to their father's furniture business opening a new store in a different town. Things go smoothly for them at their new school until the next day, Nate undergoes an abrupt physical change that makes him grow avian wings and a venomous tail. Not knowing how he obtained this power, Nate and Kirstie bring it upon themselves to unravel the mystery behind his uncanny transformation. However, the two find themselves clashing with strange monsters dubbed Cryptids and superhumans that get in their way and threaten the people they know and love.


Nate Bolton: A seventeen-year-old boy who discovers he can sprout avian wings and a venomous tail from his back. With no memory of how he obtained this ability, Nate and his sister Kirstie decide to solve the mystery behind his transformation. After realizing his newfound power, he learns his wings and tail will emerge whenever he experiences intense emotions. With Carter, Dex, and Jewel's help, Nate knows how to fly, fight, his wing's capabilities such as hardening--which he initially uses for defense, and his tail's venom causing paralysis. He is kind, outgoing, and a fast learner, but also clumsy and panicky. Nate has a talent for singing and joins Angel Hill High School's music club under the suggestion of a classmate.

Kirstie Bolton: Nate's sister who is five months older than him; she is seventeen herself. Kirstie is a born psychic with abilities such as telekinesis, clairvoyance, and psychometry; she also learned self-defense as a child. When her powers are active, her eyes glow bright red and an X-shaped mark appears over her left eye. However, overexerting herself will cause her nose to bleed. Although Kirstie may appear snarky and stoic to some, she is protective and perceptive. She also gets excited about her favorite things such as video games, manga, and anime. Kirstie begins bonding with Nia, a popular student, over their shared love for the Idol Force manga series and eventually develops romantic feelings for her.

Carter Ford: A detective who lives across the street from Nate and Kirstie. Carter is later discovered to be an agent of the Superhuman Protection Force (SHPF), an underground organization that aids and shelters people with special powers. Upon revealing his secret, he decides to help the siblings find the cause of Nate's transformation. Carter has no superpowers, but he is adept in both marksmanship and martial arts. He is introduced as a warm-hearted and jovial family man who gets along with his neighbors. But then, he displays a cold and calculating personality when Nate and Kirstie uncover his secret. His wife, Lydia, is a doctor and the SHPF's main scientist, and his adopted daughter, Zoey, is a telepath.

Dex: A cheerful young man with vampiric abilities and symptoms. In the past, he was taken in by the SHPF and placed under Lydia's care. Nowadays, he shares an apartment with Jewel. Dex can sprout bat-like wings from his back and his saliva has healing properties. When he isn't working for the SHPF, he works at a coffee shop while wearing a special sunscreen of Lydia's creation.

Jewel: Dex's reclusive girlfriend. Like Dex, she was taken in by the SHPF and placed under Lydia's care, but she struggled with trust issues in the past. Jewel can transform her body into a clear jelly-like slime that can go through cracks and under doors. When not working for the SHPF, she is often at home playing video games and watching YouTube videos.

Barry Muir: A junior at Angel Hill High School who befriends Nate and Kirstie on their first day. Barry is a sociable individual who is obsessed with the rumors about Cryptids within Angel Hill. He later becomes involved in their search for clues revolving around the Cryptids and Nate's powers.

Lee Wong: Barry's best friend since middle school. Lee is later revealed to be a close ally of Carter who, like Kirstie, has psychic powers himself. While having telekinesis, he can also heal others and read and manipulate emotions. Lee is generally quiet, but he tends to be easily irritated by certain personalities as well as Barry's reckless antics. He currently lives with his aunt, Mari.

Nia Coleman: A member of a clique of popular girls at Angel Hill High School. Upon meeting Kirstie, Nia quickly bonds with her over Idol Force and eventually becomes a love interest for her. She later becomes involved in the search when Kirstie reveals her powers to save her from a Cryptid.

Harper Kim: The president of Angel Hill High School's music club. She and the other music club members later become involved in Nate and Kirstie's search when they inadvertently see the former transformed.


"Nate?!" Kirstie exclaimed, closing her pocket knife and slipping it into the front pocket of her shorts. "Is that you?"

"NO! Don't come any closer!" Nate frantically shouted, curling into a ball as the wings and tail covered him. "I'm all feathery and creepy and I look like a freak!"

At first, Kirstie was taken aback by her brother's sudden outburst. But she took a deep breath before she went down on one knee. Then, she lifted her left arm and reached for Nate, but she slightly pulled her hand back. But with a grunt, Kirstie shook her head and both her hands reached for the feathered wings. As soon as her hands touched them, she slightly opened them to look at her brother's face. She gasped as she noticed Nate's eyes were flooding with tears and he heard audible sniffles from him.

"You're definitely not okay," Kirstie remarked.

Opening his eyes, Nate looked up at his sister and asked, "Are... are you, like, afraid of me?"

Furrowing her eyebrows, Kirstie replied, "What kind of question is that?"

"I know! It's stupid!" Nate turned away from her, pulling his wings away from her hands and closing them tightly. Then, he whimpered, "I-I don't... I don't what this is... I don't know what's happening to me..."

Kirstie crawled closer to her brother until she was sitting beside him. Then, she said nothing, not knowing what else to say. That is until he spoke again.

"I don't know why this is happening! I don't even know how I got this power!"

"Then, let's figure it out."

Nate opened his eyes before he slightly opened his wings to look at his sister. "What?"

"You heard me," Kirstie said, turning to look at the blond boy. "You don't know why you're transforming into some weird humanoid with bird wings and a tail, so we're gonna find out why."

"Really? You're going to help me?" Nate's eyes lit up with relief.

"What kind of sister would I be if I didn't?"

As Nate looked at Kirstie, more tears flowed down his eyes as he smiled. Then, he opened his wings and approached his sister so he could wrap his arms around her, tightly squeezing her. "I'm so glad I have you, Kirstie."

In response, Kirstie smiled at him and patted his head. "Glad to have you too, bro."

But all of a sudden, she felt something drip onto her right hand and she pulled it away from Nate's head to inspect it. Kirstie raised her eyebrows as she found a glowing slime-like substance on top of her hand. She became quiet as she stared at the slime, and it wasn't long until Nate noticed her silence.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Nate asked before he suddenly felt something wet fall onto his head. When he reached for the top of his head, he touched the area where the drop fell and pulled his hand away. As soon as he did, he saw the same substance that was on Kirstie's hand. "What is this stuff?" he asked.

"I... I don't know..." Kirstie replied.

The siblings heard a low growl above them and they looked up to find a set of eight glowing eyes above them. Then, their eyes grew wide at the sight of the eyes looking down at them. Quickly, Nate and Kirstie stood up from the ground and ran out of the cave yelling, "CRYPTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID!"

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