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In 2073, Solstice is a private organization of superhumans based in the fictional Zenith City. Among the agents of Solstice is 3-Horizon, a trio of young heroes codenamed Dusk, Sunburst, and Midnight, who have amassed a large fanbase. However, the three have double lives of their own. Dusk, also known as Moxie Knight, is a young mother. Sunburst, who is also called Chase Burne, is a famous singer and actor. Midnight, or Yo Suzuki, is a college student majoring in art. Follow the heroes as they balance out their respective personal lives while hiding their identities as highly-skilled superheroes.


Moxie Knight/Dusk: The de facto leader of 3-Horizon. Moxie, the heiress of the Knight family, is a nineteen-year-old young woman of mixed British and Cuban heritage. She has slightly-tanned skin, mauve hair, and amber eyes. She is betrothed to Kyle Thorne, a member of Solstice's black ops unit; the two ended up having a son named Callum at eighteen before they could marry at twenty-one. Yet, Moxie lives a happy and domestic lifestyle with Kyle and Callum. As Dusk, she has psychic powers such as telekinesis and telepathy, having inherited both from her parents. In the past, Moxie was cold and aloof with her peers and was focused on her studies and training. She later became more friendly and reliable when she began working with Chase and Yo, who she considers her first two friends.

Chase Burne/Sunburst: The second member of 3-Horizon; a nineteen-year-old young man with orange hair that fades to yellow, fair skin, and blue eyes. As a child, Chase survived a traffic accident that killed both his parents and awakened his pyrokinetic abilities. With no other relatives, he was placed in Solstice's foster system and was trained to control his powers. When not protecting Zenith City from villains and criminals, Chase is also a famous singer and actor. As Sunburst, he can use the heat in the air and his body heat to create fire and control it to his will. Chase is outgoing and sociable, but he also tends to be clumsy and somewhat scatterbrained. He remembers having a younger brother, who was separated from him as a baby, and dreams of reuniting with him someday.

Yo Suzuki/Midnight: The third member of 3-Horizon; a nineteen-year-old Japanese-American young man who has gray hair with white sidebangs, pale skin, and dark grayish-blue eyes. When Yo was eleven, he was appointed to Solstice by his father, who is a retired Solstice agent. While under the agency's tutelage, he struggled to make friends until he met Chase, who he grew to trust and view as a brother. When not protecting Zenith City from villains and criminals, Yo attends college as an art major. As Midnight, he can manifest his imagination into reality, a power he and his older sister inherited from their father. However, his abilities are stronger, as his daydreams come to life on their own whenever he sleeps or spaces out. Yo is generally quiet and cool-headed and he cares for his family, but he tends to be easily agitated, especially when it comes to uptight people.


"You know," Chase said as he put his soda down. "It's been a while since we hung out like this."

"It's only been a year, Chase," Yo replied.

"Exactly! I mean, I get we all have other lives besides being 3-Horizon: heroes of Zenith City and all that. I've been busy making music and acting, Yo's in his second year of college, and Moxie's been raising little Callum. I'm sure all of us agree that last year was pretty eventful."

"I admit, you're not wrong on that." Yo crossed his arms and leaned into his seat. "Speaking of Callum, how is he, Moxie?" he asked as he turned to the mauve-haired woman.

"Callum turned one yesterday," Moxie answered with a bright grin. "You two should have been there, the party was fun, and Kyle baked red velvet cake and it was delicious! Also, my mom and her relatives and even four members of the black ops unit brought a lot of presents! Oh, and there were games!"

"Aw, I wish I was there..." Chase said with a sigh.

"Me too," Yo added before asking, "But did you at least save us some cake?"

"Yeah, of course." Suddenly, Moxie felt her phone vibrate in her purse. Reaching into her small bag, she pulled her device out and her eyes went wide at the screen.

"What's the matter, Mox?" Chase raised an eyebrow.

"It's the boss. He's calling us," Moxie answered.

In response, Chase choked on his soda as Yo said, "Black Frost? After all this time?"

"It must be important. We can't let anyone else hear this. We have to go."

As Yo nodded, Chase recovered from choking on his drink before he raised his hand and called, "Waiter, check please!"

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