Because You Love Me - Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Katey’s training had me running crazy. I didn’t realize that fighting would be so difficult in wolf form its difficult but I managed to take Katey down a couple of times with my sneakiness. I loved being in wolf form with her just feeling wild and free in the mountain.

It was late afternoon when we decided to head back to the cottage. We ran back in wolf form. Katey said it would help strengthen my muscles for the fight that will surely happen if her brother gets his way. Katey told me that her brother wouldn’t hesitate to take me as a mate and he will do it forcefully. Katey dreaded the thought of it and hoped that she would be strong enough to defeat him. It will be hard but it’s something she had to do.

We arrived home and cooked up something to eat because after all that running I felt like I could eat a cow. After dinner Katey went and had a shower whilst I cleaned up. I smiled at the thought that Katey was showering in my shower once again. Just like she used to a year ago. I really missed her and Im glad that she came back to me only to tell me that I was like her but a much rarer breed. I wonder if my family even knew what we are or if it’s just me? I hoped that once everything is sorted out I might be able to find my parents and sit down with them and try to find out if they knew.

Katey stepped out of the bathroom and told me it’s free for me to use. I smiled at her and went in. I really did love the feel of the hot water running over my head and down my body. It felt like it was washing away all my troubles in one motion and left me feeling better afterwards. Katey was asleep on the bed when I stepped out and quietly joined her trying not to wake her up.

I dreamed of a large male wolf with green eyes chasing me through the mountain side. He was calling me trying to entice me into becoming his mate and rule by his side but before I could answer another large wolf jumped down a rocky ledge knocking him down with a defiant vicious growl. It was Katey who had attacked him. She was telling him to stay away from me and that this fight was between them. She told him to stay out of my dreams.

I awoke after that and Katey was staring at me strangely I asked her if the dream was real and she told me that it was her brother trying to get you on his side by using your dreams. He is strong but for him to enter my dreams he would have to be in Katey’s territory most likely on the edge. He knows Katey would go after him if he tried getting to close into her territory.

The time will come sooner then Katey had thought when she patrolled her territory early in the morning the next day and caught his sent. She decided to follow it and try to confront him but the scent was old at least a day old which means he could be anywhere in the mountains. It won’t be long now soon he will try to go after Tristian knowing that I haven’t marked her as my mate.

I sat outside waiting for Katey to return. She seemed distressed and I thought it had something to do with her brother and my dream. She’s worried I will go with him. If she loses the fight she will not only lose her territory and possibly her life but she would lose me. I hope she wins even if I have to step in and help her win. I don’t won’t to lose her again so I will help fight her brother no matter what I will never go with him and be made his mate.

I could smell so many different scents surrounding me but I knew one sent that made me smile. It was Katey finally back from patrolling the boundaries. I hugged her and gave her the biggest kiss that I could do which of course left her breathless. She was happy to see me but I knew she was hiding something from me just from looking into her beautiful green eyes. I asked her what was wrong and she reluctantly told me that her brother had been on the boundary. His scent was at least a day old.

Katey turned and smiled at me and told me it won’t be long till he finally invades most likely a week till he gets his numbers up. I hugged her and told her that I would fight with her so that she would have a chance but she shook her head and told me that it was between her and her brother then she walked into the bedroom and went to sleep.

Sleep is one thing that kept us strong when we were awake. It rests our bodies and prepares us for when we need our strength. I never knew sleeping could do so much for you. I loved it and no matter what Katey said I will not let her fight this battle alone because I love her.

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