Because You Love Me Chapter 13

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It was early morning when Tristian was awoken from her short sleep. Kane had ordered his members to prepare to leave and face Katey and her pack. Tristian was rudely pushed next to Kane as they walked through the forest towards the lake. It was the start of an uncertain ending for everyone.

Katey was the first to notice the pack coming towards them from the lake and was quick to access the situation. “So Katey I’ve decided that I will give you back your foul mouthed partner in exchange for your territory”. Katey could sense something was wrong as she looked at his pack. “You seem to be missing a member Kane. What did you do leave him behind? Or did you send him to jump me whilst I’m distracted?” At this Kane sneered. “Why Katey he is no longer with us for you see I had the pleasure of killing him last night when he interfered in my fun with Tristian.”

Katey knew exactly what he meant by fun and was struggling from changing and tearing his throat out right now. Tristian could sense Katey’s frustration and knew that if Kane didn’t shut his mouth soon he would be made to eat his words. “So Katey how about it? Give me your territory and I will give you Tristian.” “Don’t do it Katey it’s a lie he is going to kill me the minute you agree to it!” Kane growled in rage and knocked Tristian to the ground and started to beat her. In that instance everyone had changed and like wind to a raging fire both packs were locked in a fierce battle for territory and survival.

Katey managed to free Tristian from her ropes which allowed her to change. Soon they were battling side by side fighting off anyone who opposed them. Soon it was down to Katey, Tristian, Kane and his second in command. Katey wanted to end Kane’s life but Tristian had already stepped up to the challenge. “So Kane as I said before, I’m going to kill you and it’s going to be brutal.” “I can’t wait to sink my teeth into its going to be most enjoyable Tristian.”

They both circled each other, barring their teeth, growling at one another sizing each other up. Tristian had had enough of this fool and her patience for him has worn off. Soon they were on top of each other growling, snapping their jaws and clawing at any part of fur they could get. It was vicious and for a second Tristian wasn’t sure she could beat him but she never gave up hope. Kane had circled behind Tristian and knocked her to the ground preparing for the final move. Katey had finished off the second in command and was left with minor cuts and bruising. As Kane walked closer Tristian’s mind was racing. Her memory was racing through her of when she was young and her parents always being secretive. Her mother dyeing and her father leaving her. Then it changes and she’s graduating high school and starting a job at the local bookstore. Then it changes and she meets Katey and it was instant love at first sight.  All of her memories were of her and Katey and what they had together and how happy they were before one night Katey left leaving behind her a note. Tristian could remember the horrible, painful feeling of heartbreak and the lonely nights in her bed.

Tristian’s thoughts were interrupted by Katey’s frustrated howl as two of Kane’s lower ranked pack members held her down as Kane neared Tristian for the final blow. Tristian saw the look of pain in Katey’s eyes and knew that if Kane killed her now then Katey would most certainly allow Kane to kill her to. She knew now that Katey loved her with all her heart and that not even death could keep them apart. Suddenly like an inner power screaming to get out as a ball of blue light started to form around Tristian enveloping her white fur as she howled the most beautiful, most powerful heart racing howl that would send shivers down all who hears its spine. Tristian rose from the ground stand tall and fearless as she now faced the uncertain Kane. Her eyes glowed blue like the light surrounding her as she bared her teeth at him. Katey had never seen anything like it before and was awestricken by the power Tristian somehow contained.

“Are you ready to die Kane? Because now is the time for your much deserved punishment!” Kane backed away ready to run for it but Tristian saw what he was trying to do and charged him knocking him into a tree. Kane struggled to get up as Tristian continued to attack him till the final blow. Tristian had Kane on the ground. Her jaw inches from his pulsating neck. She could smell the fear seeping through him. “Say your goodbye’s coward!” And with that said she latched onto his neck and bit down with all her strength ripping his throat open. She didn’t let go of his neck till the last of his dying breath escaped his body. Her beautiful white fur was splattered with his blood but she didn’t care. Kane was defeated and her pack was safe. The remaining members of Kane’s pack fled and were warned that if they ever showed their faces again they would be killed.

As for Tristian and Katey they seemed happier than ever. They were now free of Kane and could finally enjoy life with each other. They loved running in their wolf forms through the forest feeling wild and free. Spending most nights curled up in each other’s arms content. Katey always asked Tristian how she made her body glow blue and her eyes but not even Tristian knew what really happened. All she could say was she thought of Katey and knew that she loved her with all heart and would die for her and then she started to glow. “Katey promise me one thing.” “And what’s that beautiful?” “Don’t ever leave me again because if you do I will surely die. You truly are my everything Katey. My heart will forever be yours as will my soul. We are meant to be together and I hope that we will always be together.” “Tristian our love will live on for an eternity.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2011 ⏰

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