Because You Love Me - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

          The hike took most of my day but I already knew this. I had a special spot up on the mountain side that overlooked the town and the lake. I started up at first light since I had already packed my bags and equipment the night before. I’ve always walked the path so knew where to go.

          I always did love hiking and camping out. I just felt so wild and free and self reliant. It made me feel strong and almost fearless. Plus the trek up kept me fit.

          Once I made it up the mountain I walked towards an area that opened up. I started to set up camp and start a small camp fire. By the time I was finished setting up and gathering wood the first stars had come out. The moon was bright at its fullest in the night time sky. I don’t normally come up to my special place on a full moon but something just told me to, like a strange feeling that keeps you on edge.

          The lake below mirrored the night sky as the sound of crickets buzzed around me. This night was so quiet and peaceful. In the distance I could hear the sound of wolves howling to the moon. I always did love to listen to them I would even join in with my own song and have them reply to me. Their calls always filled me with such emotion, it was beautiful.

          That night as I prepared to go to sleep I heard a wolf howl but this howl made my heart ache and my eyes tear up. It sounded more like somebody crying out for their lost lover. It made me remember the nights where I would cry myself to sleep calling out for Katey to come back to me. I felt a special bond to the lonely wolf who cried to the moon only to get to answer in return.

          I dreamed of a huge black wolf howling at the moon with its sad love song. I wanted to walk up to it and try to comfort the poor soul but when I got near it the wolf turned and looked a me with piercing green eyes. Those eyes looked so familiar tat my heart was racing. In an instant the wolf transformed and I was looking into the eyes of Katey. All I could say was why? And she smiled at me and said “because I love you”. Then she disappeared into the darkness.

          I awoke screaming her name. I felt hot and sweaty and my whole body was shaking. I tried to relax and slow my racing heart down. I can’t believe I dreamed of her of all nights I dream of her tonight on our anniversary.

          I decided in the morning that I was going to camp out longer then I planned so I decided to gather up some more firewood and water. Whilst I was trekking towards the lake down the hill I suddenly felt like someone or something was watching me and I began to get a little nervous. As I kneeled down an dipped my water container into the freshwater stream running into the lake I noticed several different types of paw prints.

          As I got up and turned to leave I noticed another set of prints that looked like wolf prints but they couldn’t be? These prints were at least three times larger then that of some of the largest male wolves in this region. I shook my head wondering just how large this animal might be.

          Once I walked back up to my campsite I felt a little easier till I noticed those large paw prints near my tent. I started to panic I thought the fire would keep all predators away? Guess Im going to have to see the rangers tomorrow. It’s a good thing I carry a point twenty-two pistol on me at all times because you never know when you might need it. That night I stayed up longer then usual listening out for any sounds that might alert me so that I am prepared to face what ever created those prints near my tent last night.

          It was almost midnight and the moon shone so brightly down on the lake. The fire had burnt down low and I was starting to feel tired. Just as I went to reach for some more firewood I heard the sound of twigs snapping. My hand froze as I tried to listen again. My entire body started to shake and my heart began to race as fear started to creep up on me.

          I went to reach for my gun but froze in mid motion as the large black wolf stepped out from the shadows and into the firelight. Its ears were flat and its tail was straight its body told me that it was alert and weary. It was watching me waiting to see what I would do it. I just looked at it in amazement at how large it was and how black its fur was. I looked into its eyes and caught my breath.

          The black wolf looked me in the eyes with its piercing green eyes and I was suddenly reminded of Katey and my dream the night before. I didn’t feel as fear full as I first did because the look in the wolf’s eyes showed curiosity and trust. I called to the wolf to see if it was hungry. It looked at me trying to decide if it should trust me or not.

          Its inner animal wanting easy food took over and it decided to slowly walk over to me still watching my every move. I held a piece of meat out from earlier and gave it to the wolf. On close inspection I confirmed that the wolf was female. A beautiful black wolf with green eyes.

          The wolf sniffed my hand then decided to lick it. As I tried to pat it on the head the wolf backed off unsure if it would like being touched. It decided to lay next to the fire away from the tent. I just sat there and watched it mesmerized by the green eyes and the beautiful black fur till I fell asleep.


Because You Love Me - Lesbian WerewolvesWhere stories live. Discover now