Because I Love You - Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

The morning was crisp and cold as we stood out by the lake in our wolf forms. I stood beside Katey as we faced Felicity, her wolf form looked like Katey with the black fur but she had blue eyes. There was Tim in his grey wolf form and Joe in his brown wolf form and his twin Zac looking the same and Luke in his grey/black form and last but not least Sarah in her brown/white wolf form. They watched me with stunned expressions as I was one of the largest wolves they’ve ever seen with my snow white fur and clear blue eyes.

There were eight of us all up, we looked like a very powerful pack and I just hoped that we would operate as one. “Ok we are going split up into two teams and head to opposite sides of the mountains then we will search each other out as though we are enemies. When you spot someone who isn’t on your team you jump them and howl. The wolf that is jumped is to walk back to the lake and stay there till each member of the teams is found. This exercise is to train you in your skills with tracking and stalking enemies in your territory. Tim, Zac and Sarah you are with me. Felicity, Joe and Luke you are with Tristian. My team will head towards the right side of the mountain and Tristian’s team you will head to the left side.”   

I watched as Katey and her team ran off into the woods on the other side of the lake. I didn’t know the first thing in leading a pack so I let my instincts take over and led my team up the mountain side. I led them to an enclosed area near a small cave. I decided the best way to track them and take them out is to have my team split up into two teams. I had Joe as my partner and Felicity and Luke as partners and told them to search the lower side of the mountain side whilst Joe and I headed up the higher side and keep each others minds tuned so that we can keep in contact. Felicity and Luke ran off into the trees. Joe looked at me and asked if I was ready, I shook my head and said yes so he started to search for a sent and we headed of at a fast past through the forest.

I loved running in my wolf form past trees and over logs and rocks feeling strong and free. My thoughts were interrupted by Joe when he said he’s picked up the sent of Tim and that he was close by. We slowed down and started to pick up on any sounds as we stalked and hid behind anything we could find. Then I spotted him just beyond a large boulder deciding on the best way to go for him. Then out of the blue Sarah jumps up out of nowhere almost landing on me but I was too quick and dodged her mock attack. She was caught off guard by my sudden movement giving Joe an advantage to jump her when she was down. Joes howl was loud and strong as it sounded in the quiet forest. Tim had taken off calling for the rest of the team. Sarah walked off towards the lake with a scowl on her face.

Joe picked up Tim’s scent again and we searched him out. I tuned into Felicity and asked her what’s happening; she replied that Luke was jumped by Katey so now she was searching us out so she wasn’t left alone. I told her our position. Joe asked if I would stay hidden till Felicity showed up whilst he searched Tim out. I told him we shouldn’t split up because it would leave us in danger and vulnerable to attack. He agreed with me and we both hid till Felicity showed up.

We decided to stick together and use me as bait whilst they hid waiting for there prey to find me. They were using the same tactic that Sarah and Tim used. I felt ridiculous standing here pretending to find a scent. I suddenly felt like I was being watched and looked in the opposite direction from where Joe and Felicity were stationed.

I saw a flash of brown to the side of me but before I could dodge away Kane jumped me with a snarl as two others of his pack surrounded me I could see that Joe and Felicity had showed up growling warnings then I could hear Katey sending out messages to the rest off the pack as she showed up furious at what was happening. Kane refused to get off me and snickered as the rest off our pack showed up ready to fight.    

“Kane you’ve got some nerve showing up here with only two pack members”. Kane stared at Katey with a smile and told her he had more stationed near by kept out of sight as they moved closer surrounding them. Katey looked like she was going to laugh because she knew he was bluffing since she had been over this area earlier and did not sense them.

I snarled at Kane because he was heavy and crushing me under him. He warned me that if I tried anything he would tear my throat out. Katey did not like this one bit and went to move closer but just as she did two members of Kane’s pack stepped up beside her growling a warning. “So Katey I’ve decided Im going to take your mate here with me and if you try and follow I will harm her. My pack has you surrounded so if any of your members make a move they will be killed.” I looked at Katey and told her not to worry and that it was ok. “How do I no that you won’t hurt her when we leave?” “You have my word as an alpha Katey.”

Felicity spoke up and told Katey that we couldn’t do anything right now and that we should listen to him and leave. Katey barked a command and her and her pack members left the forest, left Kane and his pack, left me behind wondering what was going to happen. “Don’t worry Tristian Im not going to harm you….much hahahahaha!” I really hated Kane with a passion but I had to put up with him till I could think of a way to escape.

Kane told me to get up and had me follow behind him as he led his pack at a fast past towards the back end of the mountain side to a large cave that I hadn’t noticed before. Kane and his members transformed into there human forms. Even in his human form Kane was ugly, he commanded one of his members to get a fire started. It looks like they’ve camped here for a long time. I tried to tune Katey but I was out of her reach. I just hope she comes up with a plan because I really don’t want to be with this loser for very long.

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