Team Arch 14: War Zone

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NOTE: This is where the series gets violent, but on a bright note, it introduces us to a major OC that I made. Also, this is the first story that involves a custom SpongeBob outfit made by fellow DeviantArt user TE-Laurence.


In 1993, a civil war erupted in Graznavia, an Eastern European country located in the former Yugoslavia. The inhabitants of Graznavia called Grazni began a countrywide oppression of the ethnic Muslim minority called Vyseni. Fed up with the Grazni Martial Government, the Vyseni and a number of moderate Grazni formed the Vyseni Rebellion to overthrow Graznavia's prejudice government. The United Nations Security Council authorizes a military operation with a peacekeeping mandate. After the bulk of the peacekeepers withdraw, the Grazni Army General Afan Gujić declares war on the remaining UN personnel in an effort to keep other countries out of the war. In response, the United States Government deploys their military to arrest Gujić for war crimes.

To consolidate his power and subdue the population, Gujić and his militia seize a number food shipments. The UN forces are powerless to intervene directly. Outside Pogoren, where the rebels are based in, Delta Force soldiers capture a faction leader selling arms to Gujić's militia. The US then plans a mission to capture Džafer Salihović and Ibrahim Mehmedović, two of Gujić's top advisers.

In the present day (picking up where the previous movie left off), US Army General Joel Pierce calls Team Arch in their newly made freelance agency, the Arch Foundation, with a special offer: If they help the US military capture Salihović and Mehmedović, the military and a selection of federal agencies will establish new relations with the foundation. SpongeBob and Patrick accept and leave the foundation under Austin's control for the time being. While the team is glad to accept the offer, Travis is concerned about how the enemy military will take SpongeBob and Patrick.

Arriving at the base in DC, SpongeBob and Patrick receive a relatively warm welcome from the military, including the base's general, Yale Everett. After having a look over over each organization, SpongeBob and Patrick write down a list of the organizations they want to be in, starting with the team headed for Graznavia, the US Army Delta Force, where they'll be serving as Warrant Officers.

Aside from SpongeBob and Patrick, the team included experienced men as well as new recruits. Two of them were 19-year-old Private First Class Ted Lynn, a well-trained soldier with a fear of heights, and Specialist Rick Tatum, who usually works as a desk clerk. SpongeBob mentions that he respects both sides and has compassion for the terrible conditions of civil war for the Grazni and Vyseni people, saying there are two things they can do: Help them out, or sit and watch a country destroy itself.

The operation begins, and a number of Delta Force operators capture some of the advisers, including Salihović, inside the target building, the Bukol Hotel, while the rest and their helicopters escorting the ground-extraction convoy take heavy fire. Unfortunately, they're unable to find Mehmedović. Lynn is severely injured when he falls from one of the helicopters. So, three Humvees led by Staff Sergeant Andrew "Andy" Everett, General Everett's son, are detached from the convoy to return Lynn to the UN-held Pogoren Airport.

One of the Sergeants, Dayton Boyle, is shot and killed just as Everett's column departs, and shortly thereafter, one of the helicopters, Hawk 1, piloted by Chief Warrant Officer Clayton Scott, is shot down by a rocket launcher. Scott and his co-pilot, Warrant Officer Damian Ripley, are killed, and the two crew chiefs, along with Sergeant James Stevenson and Staff Sergeant Doug Bryan, survive the crash, but are severely wounded. Despite their wounds, they manage to defend the crash, but Bryan is shot four times. They later escape in an MH-6 Little Bird helicopter, piloted by Kip Ashford, but Bryan dies later from his wounds.

The ground forces are rerouted to converge on the crash site. The Grazni Army block a series of roads, and Lieutenant Colonel Mick Dryden's Humvee column is unable to reach the crash area and sustains heavy casualties. Meanwhile, two Delta Force units, including SpongeBob and Patrick's, reach Hawk 1's crash site and set up a defensive perimeter to await evacuation with the two wounded chiefs and the fallen pilots. SpongeBob leave the two units to go find reinforcements. In the interim, Hawk 4, piloted by Chief Warrant Officer Malcom Coleman, is also shot down by a rocket launcher and crashes several blocks away from Hawk 1's crash site, where most of the assault team went to.

Captain Mark Stringer's unit goes out to rescue them, but is pinned down and sustaining heavy casualties, leaving ground forces available to reach Hawk 4's crash site nor reinforce the soldiers defending Hawk 1's. Three Delta Force snipers, Master Sergeant Grady Terence, Sergeant Wesley Cutler, and Sergeant First Class Robert Murphy, are inserted by helicopter to Hawk 4's crash site, where they find Coleman still alive, but lathered with bruises. Hawk 2 provided fire support, but was forced to head back to the airport after getting hit with a rocket launcher. The site is eventually overrun, Grady is killed, leaving Murphy to grab his sniper rifle, while giving his to Coleman, who sought refuge in a dilapidated house with Cutler. Murphy returned to the site to hold off the mob for 10 more minute before being killed as well. The mob surrounded the site and nearly beat Coleman and Cutler close to death, but are spared when the Grazni Army arrive and capture Coleman. They then let Cutler go to tell the Delta Force about Coleman's capture.

SpongeBob reunites with Dryden's column, who have no other choice but to relinquish their attempt to reach Hawk 1's crash site. They return to base with their prisoners and the casualties, and prepare to go back to extract Patrick, the units, the chiefs, and the fallen pilots. Yale arrives and allows them to plan a rescue. He then sends Lieutenant Colonel Leroy Davidson to ask for reinforcements, including armored units from the UN coalition.

As night falls, the Grazni Army launches a sustained assault on the trapped soldiers at Hawk 1's crash site. The Grazni are held off throughout the night by strafing runs and rocket attacks from AH-6J Little Bird helicopter gunships, until the relief column is able to reach the soldiers. The wounded and casualties are evacuated in the vehicles, but a few Delta Force soldiers, including SpongeBob and Patrick, are forced to run on foot from the crash site to reach the Safe Zone at the stadium. SpongeBob begins to wonder if the mission was a failure.

In the aftermath of the mission, SpongeBob is relieved to learn that it was a practical stalemate. Coleman is immediately released, and decides to transfer to ground work. Later, US Government decided to end all military operations in Graznavia, and withdrew all US forces, deeming the country way too dangerous. During the raid more than 1000 Grazni died, and 19 American soldiers lost their lives. The soldiers would eventually receive the Medal of Honor posthumously. SpongeBob and Patrick return to the Arch Foundation to tell their story to Team Arch, who then tell a mission they had during their absence.

In the post-credits scene, it's revealed that Gujić was assassinated, bringing an end to his terror, but no one knows how he died.


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