Team Arch 24: Black Hole Slam

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In Soviet-occupied Poland, Professor Tatsuki Fujimoto, a Japanese-born Polish archaeologist, entrusts his heavily trapped diary and an amulet containing the key to the book to his family. The diary is purported to be the guide to an immense treasure called the Earth Ripper, which is being searched for by a group of Soviet soldiers, and a rival group of anti-communist Despots working for the Ancestral Heritage Research Institute (AHRI). Fujimoto is killed by the arriving Soviets; his family escapes, but is chased down by Professor Michiro Kitazawa, a Japanese-born AHRI professor, and ends up in a car crash, which only he and the infant daughter survive. Kitazawa steals the amulet, but is unable to find the diary, which was lost during the chase.

In the present day, the diary resurfaces in Texas during a memorial exhibition in Fujimoto's honor. With not much to do, the fully recuperated Team Arch, having learned about the diary and its mysterious backstory during their recuperation from the Zhong Dynasty's attack on Sacramento, decides to retrieve it. However, it becomes difficult due to Beckett Townsend, who had gotten his state lobbyist job back, had issued a bounty on SpongeBob. At the exhibition, SpongeBob, Sakura, and Kaz try to steal the book, only to be foiled first by a female teenager disguised as a security guard, then by school idol group Saint Snow, and to be arrested by Texas Ranger Henley Zimmer. On the way to prison, SpongeBob, Sakura, and Kaz are sprung by Austin, Tai, Honoka, Dia, and Ruby, before heading off to Uchiura, Japan. There, SpongeBob, Dia, and Ruby encounter some students from Uranohoshi High School, before they point to the home of the fake security guard, a teenager named Chika Takami. The three encounters Chika's family, but learn that she's not available. So, they decide to plant a microphone bug and wait for her. That night, the three notice that Chika is meeting up with her childhood friend, Yō Watanabe. After sneaking into the house, SpongeBob presents a medal identical to the one stolen by Kitazawa, which his grandfather, professional "multitasker" Griffin SquarePants, had left him. While preparing to help find the diary, Chika secretly contacts Kitazawa, her mentor, who ordered her to steal the book in the first place. Kitazawa tells her to bring SpongeBob and the amulet to him, in exchange for sending her to Uranohoshi to study music.

Saint Snow delivers the diary to a group of AHRI fugitives looking for the Earth Ripper, among them are Kitazawa and their maniacal leader, Gerhold Gruber. However, Gruber quickly discovers Saint Snow's duplicity and has Leah detained. However, Sarah escapes, much to Gruber's dismay. Chika leads SpongeBob, Yō, Dia, and Ruby to Kitazawa's hideout, a customized transport plane, where they retrieve the book and the counterpart to SpongeBob's amulet. SpongeBob succeeds in opening the diary, and the five learn that the Earth Ripper is a power generator left behind by a highly advanced lost civilization and is hidden in the ruins of Teotihuacan. Knowing Chika has led them into a trap, after noticing her pull out a gun, SpongeBob willingly surrenders to Gruber and Kitazawa, who surprisingly spare Yō, Dia, and Ruby. Leah uses SpongeBob as a diversion to escape on her own, while helping SpongeBob escape as well. SpongeBob sneaks back into the plane and eavesdrops on Gruber, Kitazawa, and an unwitting Chika, learning in the process that they are seeking an elusive German, who happens to be none other than a descendant of the Despots' previous leader, who reportedly faked his death and escaped to South America during the fall of Berlin, and is now intending to use the Earth Ripper to resurrect the Third Realm.

When Yō, Dia, and Ruby, who had also overheard the conversation, confront Chika and the two men, Gruber throws Ruby out of the plane. Snatching the diary and the amulets back, SpongeBob, Chika, Yō, and Dia jump after her, and they are then rescued by the half of Team Arch that decided to come. Left stranded, SpongeBob summons Saint Snow and a bunch of bounty hunters to his location and steals one of the hunters' helicopters. Saint Snow manages to get back on board, and after learning of the stakes, they reluctantly team up with Team Arch, Chika, and Yō to thwart the villains. During a stopover, SpongeBob reveals to Chika that he has deduced her to be Fujimoto's granddaughter and that Kitazawa adopted her mother only to get his hands on the diary and the Earth Ripper. He also discovers that Griffin had actually helped Fujimoto find the Earth Ripper, but afterwards trapped the book to prevent the Earth Ripper from falling into the wrong hands.

Gruber and Kitazawa find the Earth Ripper's hiding place, but are unable to proceed past its traps without the diary, forcing them to return to where they left SpongeBob. Exploiting their absence, the unlikely team makes it past the obstacles, but are then forced to discover that their enemies' retreat was merely a ruse to clear the path to the Earth Ripper. Kitazawa and Gruber take Chika, Yō, Dia, and Ruby hostage, activate the Earth Ripper, which carries them and the girls back to the surface, but the team intercepts them before they can escape, scuttling Kitazawa's plane. However, Kitazawa quickly uses the Earth Ripper to get the plane to fly again, and activates a micro black hole to finish off the team, who miraculously survive, except for the helicopter; believing them dead, and inebriated with power, he claims the device for himself and incinerates the diary. When he prepares to use the Earth Ripper to destroy Berlin, Gruber fights him; when Yō takes control of the device, Gruber shoots at her, but Kitazawa, having been given the sudden thought of Chika's mother, whom he cared for dearly, takes the bullet for her and dies. Right afterwards, Gruber receives the news that Klaus Braun, the descendant, has been located and takes the Earth Ripper and the girls to him.

When Gruber arrives at the AHRI's Brazil office, he meets with Braun and the two, with Chika in tow, depart on the Earth Ripper to test its capabilities. Left behind, Yō, Dia, and Ruby discover that the unlikely team have beaten Gruber to the base with the help of Interpol, and Austin has disguised himself as Braun. Back on the plane, SpongeBob, Austin, Tai, Kaz, and Sakura reveal themselves and Gruber furiously attacks all six of them, but SpongeBob tampers with the Earth Ripper controls to release a micro black hole directly inside the plane. Out of humanity, SpongeBob attempts to save Gruber, but the latter is sucked into the hole and perishes, while SpongeBob, Austin, Tai, Kaz, Sakura, and Chika barely escape with a gravity device that SpongeBob kept from the Teotihuacan ruins. After a fond but hasty goodbye to Chika - and gifting her with the gravity device and her enrollment into Uranohoshi - Team Arch rushes to escape the bounty hunters' ever-zealous attention.

In the post-credits scene, Saint Snow, who had also escaped, return back to their hideout, only to be visited by their boss, who happens to be Lanzhu Zhong, revealing themselves to be the two masked girls from the Zhong Dynasty. Saint Snow apologizes for the destruction of the Earth Ripper, but Lanzhu immediately forgives them, and reveals a plan to fight back against Team Arch.

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