Team Arch 20: Musicombat

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For SecondRound, Katsuki_Ch, and MoonlarktheAlphaWolf

Take your time reading the previous chapters (and the first 19 of my TV Specials story) before reading this one. Once you're done, continue on.


The movie opens with Dr. Cube's army of monsters as they drift across the unknown that they were once thrown in. (See Suddenly, Dr. Cube himself gives word to his army that he has finished creating SDS-1's portal maker and activates it, creating a portal back to Earth, much to their elation. He sends the army through the portal, where they end up in a lab in San Francisco, and annex it in order to help Dr. Cube create a big portal to allow SDS-1 to enter. Dr. Cube declares their invasion of Earth shall begin now, and the order is given to start creating the portal. At the Arch Foundation, Malcom's computer starts buzzing, catching his attention. He immediately concludes that this means that something big must be going down, and manages to transpose what was causing his laptop to buzz and decodes their speech patterns, ending up completely shocked by what he translates/discovers: Dr. Cube is coming back.

Meanwhile, the rest of Team Arch are encountered by a group of 11 girls, including Honoka Kousaka, Kotori Minami, and a reluctant Umi Sonoda. Honoka explains that she and the others have heard about μ's reuniting and joining the Arch Foundation, and decided to join them as well. SpongeBob decides to recruit under one condition: They have to publicly perform in at least one concert. The girls become excited with the idea, except for Umi, who claims that she wanted to move on from her school idol career and focus more on her student council career. Upon hearing this, Eli decides to call Kotori's mother, who works as the Otonokizaka's principal, to find a worthy successor, to give Umi one less thing to worry about. As the girls and Team Arch begin preparations, Malcom comes in to alert them on something: Dr. Cube and his army are plotting to mutate the Earth with the power of the returning SDS-1, which is scheduled to come through their portal within six hours. Malcom surmises that this could be a payback invasion, knowing that if SDS-1 is able to find its way through that dimensional portal, it could mean the end of the world as they know it, which must be stopped. The team wonders if they are ready for such a challenge, but the girls encourage them to do so, even insisting on participating in the mission, seeing that the fate of the world rests in their hands. Team Arch then rushes out to prepare themselves while Umi, who is held back for a moment by Austin. He tells her that, with the whole world at stake, the only thing that matters is completing their mission to save other lives with no hesitation to sacrifice what - or who - they need to. After Umi goes to join the others, Mizu and Polly realize that the team is preparing to stop Dr. Cube, much to their concern.

The team prepares for battle, with SpongeBob and Austin discussing possible strategies and constructing new equipment, and Malcom loading himself down with a multitude of weapons. The other 8 girls decide not to participate in the mission and stay behind to prepare for the concert, hoping that the team will succeed in their mission, much to the concern of Riko, who thinks that they are being overconfident. Before long, half of Team Arch (consisting of only SpongeBob, Tai, Yugi, Sakura, Nate, Kaz, Gingka, Honoka, Chase, and their respective groups) begins their mission. After watching them depart, Mizu asks Austin why he decided not to go with them. Austin explains that he wants to be in more of a teaching role, as he wants nothing to do with Dr. Cube again, and as a teacher, it is his role to prepare people for the challenges that they have faced. One of the 8 girls, Ayumu Uehara, counters that with the fate of the world in the balance, he should want to help them, but Austin angrily replies that he does not have to explain himself to them and reenters the building.

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