Team Arch 18: Fire Spread

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After becoming an FBI subsidiary, Team Arch is given a new mission: Three ACLU workers – Mitch Werner, John Chambers, and Albert Godwin – go missing while in Fauster County, Texas, organizing a voter registry for Pacific Islanders, as the county's current mayor, Mather Talridge, had abolished it in an attempt to continue the legacy of the previous president, who had lost after yesteryear's election. The FBI sends Team Arch to investigate, much to their dismay as they had never dealt with racism in a more violent level, compared to their baseball adventure (See Movie 10). Malcom wants to approach the investigation by the book, whereas Sandy and Mizu are more nuanced in the approach, but all three of them wish to be as friendly as possible. Despite befriending Roy Strummer, the county sheriff, the team still find it difficult to conduct interviews with the local townspeople, as two of the deputies, Benson and Lenard Clooney, often known as "Big Bad Benny" and "Last Laugh Lenny" respectively, exert influence over the public, and are two of many residents linked to a branch of the Ku Klux Klan, alongside their best friend Farley Crocker, a muscular mechanic with a habit of beating up non-Texans.

During the investigation, Team Arch, the FBI agents and a number of volunteers are threatened by burning crosses from the Klan, and made into laughingstocks by the residents, but the teams are determined to keep going. Meanwhile, Mizu falls in love with one of the residents, Polly Lowry, who happens to be Benny and Lenny's niece. Eventually, the conflict gives the Texans bad media publicity, prompting other states to discriminate Texans. Fed up with it, Polly reveals to Mizu in a discreet conversation that the three missing men have been murdered. Their bodies are later found buried in an earthen dam. Benny deduces Polly's confession to the FBI and informs Lenny, who brutally beats Polly in retribution.

Upon discovering the beatdown, Mizu angrily goes after Benny and Lenny, but gets into a physical fight with Nate before the two are stopped by the others, who claim that Benny, Lenny, and their gang want Team Arch to fight each other. The team allows Sandy carte blanche to deal with the problem. Sandy devises a plan to indict members of the Klan for the murders. The FBI arranges a kidnapping of Talridge, taking him to a remote shack. There, he is left with an angry man, who threatens to carve a disturbing message for the Klan onto him unless he speaks out. Talridge gives him a full description of the killings, including the names of those involved. The abductor is revealed to be an FBI operative assigned to intimidate Talridge. Although his statement is not admissible in court due to coercion, Talridge's information proves valuable to the investigators. The next morning, Malcom beats Lenny up inside the town barbershop for Mizu in retaliation for Polly.

The teams exploit the new information to concoct a plan, luring identified Klan collaborators to a bogus meeting. The Klan members soon realize that they have been set up, and leave without discussing the murders, but decide on dealing with the teams. Team Arch then concentrates on Larry Bowers, a Klansman of interest who exhibits a nervous demeanor, which the agents believe might yield a confession. The FBI pick him up and interrogate him, but get nothing out of him as they only want to test him. Later, Bowers is at home when his window is shattered by a shotgun blast. After seeing a burning cross on his lawn, he attempts to flee in his truck, but is caught by several hooded men who intend to hang him. The teams arrive to rescue him, having staged the whole scenario, as the hooded men are revealed to be other FBI agents.

Bowers, believing that his fellow Klansmen have threatened his life because of his admissions to the FBI, incriminates his accomplices. The Klansmen, including Benny, Lenny, and Crocker, are all charged with civil rights violations, as this can be prosecuted at the federal level. Most of the perpetrators are found guilty and receive sentences from 10 to 30 years in prison, with the exception of Strummer, who is acquitted of all charges, having denied any involvement in his deputies' deceptive actions. Talridge is later found dead by the FBI in an apparent suicide, with the teams believing that he couldn't take any more bad publicity. Having returned to her home, which is now completely ransacked by vandals, Polly decides to join Team Arch to rebuild her life, free of her uncles. Before leaving town, the teams visit an integrated congregation, gathered at a cemetery, where the Chambers' desecrated gravestone reads, "Not Forgotten".

In a post-credits scene, Polly wakes up behaving strangely, and secretly uses contact Malcom's laptop to contact a mysterious figure.


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