Chapter 6 (Sports Festival 2)

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Shousuke was surprised to see Hitomi collapse in front of him. He doesn't know what to do.


Hitomi was breathing heavily due to high fever.

"Hey! " He called out but she isn't responding.

"Hey!" He tried calling again but still no response so he gently shrug her, she felt very warm so he thought she has a fever.

(She might have caught it when I saw her soaking wet the previous day, Why did you come to school if your not feeling well? Are you really an Idiot?) He thought.

He was about to ask for help when..

"Hitomi!?" One of her girl friends (Sayori) went to see her she also saw Shousuke kun.

"What happened?!" She asked.

"She has a fever"

He replied with his husky voice, Sayori was quite taken back at his handsome voice but her friend takes piority.

She gently touch her forehead and it was really hot.

"God! Hitomi! Your burning up! wait I'll take you to the infirmary. Shousuke kun would you be so kind to help me carry her"

Without further ado Shousuke kun carried her.

Sayori wants to help too but Shousuke insists since Sayori was wounded from the tug of war earlier.[ She has some bandages wrapped around her foot]

"I-I see... I'll help you put her in your back then."

(How lucky Hitomi is to be back carried by the campus prince. >\\\< You better explain yourself later Hitomi!)

Shousuke can feel her body temperature when he lifted her up. It was so warm. He glanced at Hitomi feverish face laying in his shoulders.

"Idiot" He spouted.

"Huff...Huff... " He can hear her heavy breathing.

(You really are.. An Idiot..)

[They choose a less crowded path towards the infirmary to avoid unnecessary rumors that may arise panick amongst the student]


In the Infirmary

Sayori quickly barged in.

"MAAM PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT MY FRIEND. SHE JUST SUDDENLY COLLAPSE!" Sayori said to the one in charge of the clinic panickly.

"Oh my! What happened?" She asked while gently laying down the patient in the bed.

"I think she passed out due to high fever "

The nurse then took her temperature.

"39.8 celcius that's really high. do you have the contact no. of your friend's parents?"

"I think I have her brother's."

"Please do call him"

"Yes maam"

"I'll damp some wet towels on her body to cool her off. You can stay outside to wait"

"Yes maam Thank you very much"

They both went outside as to not bother the nurse.

"Thanks so much Shousuke kun. I'll make sure to scold this girl later. Good God, That girl got me worried again! She always pushes herself y'know? She never knows her limits."

Talk To Me! Campus Prince [Hitomi x Shousuke Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now