Chapter 7 (A Peaceful day?)

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Shousuke's day never felt this quiet before, now that Hitomi is down with a cold. He was not even trying doing some of his duties as VP nor was he doing something troublesome as communicating. No ones trying to talk to him and no one is dragging him here and there.

(How peaceful) He thought.

Ai chan on the other hand was also enjoying this day.

(Now that leech is gone I can approach Shousuke freely!)She thought.

[Though Hitomi have never tried to stop her from approaching Shousuke before. ]

[Ai knew that but she doesn't care]

(Atleast no ones touchy touchy around to Shousuke kun anymore Right!?)

[Right.. ]

[Anyways.. Ai thought of sitting at Hitomi's seat which is currently empty right now.]

( Yoosh! Let's take a seat beside Shousuke kuns seat! Hehehe~ I can watch Shousuke kun all day beside him. Uwaahh! Imagining it, makes me blush! )

*Slaps herself*

(C'mon Ai.. control yourself. Let's ask Shousuke kun first, Walk like a cool lady and ask"Can I take a seat here Shousuke kun? My chair is broken and being repaired currently."Yes that's it and then Shousuke kun will say "Sure Ai~" Freak D*mn He's such an Hardliner!)

[Little did Ai know that the other girls were thinking of doing the exact same thing]

She deliberately smashed her chair and so did the others.

[Suddenly the girls became macho Lol]

"Oops!" they cutely said.

(What the hell?! did we do something that made them upset?)


(What's gotten into them?)

Some thought.

The girls gaze at each other menacingly.

(Did you just did the same?) Is what they're face are saying.

(How dare you slut! Did ya want a beating HUH?!)

(Do you think I'll let you go after copying me!?)

(You want to seat beside Shousuke kun? Are you asking to be killed!?)

(I'm the one who will sit beside him!)

(No I will!)

(No I!)

[They were err... Telepathically arguing. Somehow they understood what the other was speaking]

Ai stared at the girls menacingly..

"GRRR..." She growled in anger and frustration.

(Just try going near him and It'll be your DEATH..) She threatened Via telepathy.

[The girls suddenly went silent, She was after all.. The scariest among them]

(She told them to back off with a growl...Truly a delinquent girl!) Some thought.

[The boys were really frightened that they keep their mouth shut]

(Let's.. not disturb them)they thought.

On the contrary Shousuke didn't even noticed them.

[Shousuke glancing at the sky not minding everyone as if he is in his own world]

(Shousuke kun seems carefree despite the situation. how inspiring...)

(Shousuke kun sooo coool) The boys thought.

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