Chapter 14 (Shousuke and Cats)

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As Hitomi was walking home she saw Shousuke in the streets staring at a black cat.

(Oh it's Shousuke!)

"Shousuke! Heyya!"

The cat got surprised and ran away. Shousuke sighed in disappointment.

Hitomi glanced at his hands he was holding cat food.

He then put it in his pocket.

"I'm sorry I think I kinda scared the cat. you we're feeding him food right?"

"..." He look away and started to walk.

Hitomi followed him with a smile on her face.

"Do you perhaps like cats Shousuke? You we're feeding him so you probably you like cats. What kind of cats do you like? Do you like black cats since black is your favorite color? Don't you have a pet at home? Cats are cute right?"

(Here we go again with her endless blabber. When will she shut her mouth up)

"Mhmm.. maybe?.."

[Shousuke used to just ignore her blabbers in the past now He'll just get annoyed at her and spat a few words. Hitomi saw this as a huge progress.]

"Are you perhaps a cat person Shousuke?"

[After answering her questions she'll just spat him nonsense. That's what irks him the most. Thats probably one of the reason why he hates having a conversation with her. ]

The next day.

Hitomi saw the same black cat in the neighborhood but it was injured.

"Poor thing. Did you injure your leg?"

Lucky for him Hitomi had extra bandages in her bag.

She took the initiative to get closer to him but he took a step back and glared at her. He doesn't want any human touching him. He ignored her and slowly walk away.

But Hitomi insist on following him.
When the cat stopped to take a break Hitomi went searching for food on her bag.

She took out the left over Onigiri she had.

"Here kitty kitty. I have food for you" 

But the cat still ignored her offer. So Hitomi just watched over in a distance. Now they are having a staring contest.

"You know what? You kinda remind me of a certain someone."

The cat yawned and stared at her.

"Yup you totally resemble him. But you know what? despite being like that. He is still admirable. He is good at everything but doesn't really communicate. Or maybe he was having a hard time communicating? That's why I wanted to help him. But how can I help him? When it's so hard to make him talk? Or.. wait maybe he is just having a hard time or so? Sometimes I just can't help but worry for him. He doesn't have friends and doesn't like to have friends. Like isn't that just sad? Being alone and not being able to express ones self. Isn't it better to have lots of friends to rely on Right neko-chan?"

"But don't worry I'm not giving up"

She sighed. The cat is still wary around her and her hands are going numb so she just left the food for him and watch him from a distance.

He slowly went near the food and took a bite.

Then Hitomi went near again. Since the cat was busy eating he didn't notice Hitomi.

She took this chance to bandage his wound.

"See? It ain't that bad Neko chan."

The cat just stared at her.


"Not even a meow as a thank you Neko-chan?"


"Hahah Nevermind I'll get going "

Shousuke was near there the whole time. Watching Hitomi talking to cats and bandaging his wounds.

(What is she talking? I should get going)

He look at her again and thought for a split second that she was cute.

(Hah... Cute? Really? I must be out of my mind..)

He then went near the cat as soon as Hitomi left. He still has that canned tuna in his bag. The cat gladly went near him and ate.


(I wondered what she was talking about with this cat. She must've have been bored )

"Is the food good?"


"I see.." He said and smiled sweetly as he patted his head.

[Shousuke really likes cat.]

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