Chapter 22(Mixer)

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"Shousuke! Help me!!.. " Hitomi begged.

"No.. I don't want too"

"Your so cruel.."

"That's not my problem anymore, you were the one who agreed to go"

"But I don't wanna! "

"Then don't go"

"But.. I promised them"

(Ugh.. seriously why do I have to deal with this girl.. more importantly.. why is her grip so strong??) [Struggling to walk because of Hitomi]

So here's what happened. After the exams the girls invited Hitomi to attend a mixer. ( A mixer is some sort of Group dating among students). She was about to refuse when the girls decided on their own.
It goes like this..


"Hitomi chan What do you say about going into a mixer with us?"

"Yeah! Yeah! You know a lot of boys will like you If you come. After all your such a cutie pie"

"Eh??... Ahahaha.. no.. that's"

"You're coming right?"

"Right??" They asked with anticipation in their eyes.

"Ah.. Err.."

"Ok, that's a promise, see you at the cafe at 3 pm. We will be disappointed if you're not there C'ya Hitomi chan~"

"Wait!! What!?"

End of flash back

(See?? It wasn't my decision right??)

"Just help me out will you?" She asked with a desperate tone.

But Shousuke gives her a resounding no.

And so Hitomi was left no choice but to attend the mixer.

[At the House]

"Ugh! This is annoying... What shall I wear at the mixer??"

She srambles up piles of clothes in her closet. It was all Oversized shirts, Hoddies and Ordinary clothes.

"I don't even have a single decent clothing Ugh!"

Tadano Kun confusingly looked at her.

"What?? Are you going to a mixer?" he said in a disbelief tone.

And She just nods.

"Pfft! "

"Yeah.. Laugh whatever you want..." She said sarcastically.

Realizing that it isn't much of importance Hitomi decided to look normal.

"You know what? I'm just gonna go with a skirt and a Sweater. I don't care about appearances anymore"

"Have fun... And.. Don't punch them ok??"

She just rolled her eyes with his remarks.

The girls went to a cafe and some guys call out for them.

"Ehmm... So.. What is my role in this mixer again?"

"Well.. To look cute duh.." Chestnut [One of the girls who attended the mixer]answered. She was wearing Shorts and a cute V neck white shirt.

(She looks very chic in his outfit)

"That.. I don't know if I'm capable. "

"You can do it girl! You have the charms Hitomi chan"

"Yeah you just have to treat it as making new friends "

"Oh okay "

When they got to the table. Hitomi watched as her friends was acting weirdly.

(They are shy all of a sudden??)

The boys introduced themselves.

"Hi Nice to meet you my name Is Akane" introduced a guy who had red hair and is good looking.

The girls instantly shaked his hand.

Hitomi did too.

"You do sports?" She asked.

"Yeah.. To be specific I do Basketball haha how did you know?"

"Going agressive ain't you Hitomi chan" her friend whispered.

"Ahaha I just know,  cuz of your hands. It has calluses."

"Oh..I see.."

The next guy introduce himself as Caleb. He has a pale complexion and has a blonde hair.

"Greetings ladies.." He bowed like a gentleman and the girls clapped and was drawn by him.

"A foreigner kyahh~" the girls whispered.

Hitomi on the other hand said..

" I'm sorrry, Srrr.. I du not speaku englishhhh"  she jokingly said in which they laughed.

"That's oki I know japanessssse"

He copied her accent.

" Wait I think that accent is latin??"


And lastly a guy with her black hoodie. And brown hair. He also had a charming smile that can make any girls fall for him.

"Hi pretty girls. The names Kyle nice to meet you" He said with a wink.

"Hii... Mister Kyle. Nice to.. Meet you too." She said giving him a wink.

[That's how Hitomi usually socialized with people.]

And soon they all started to chat and talk. Hitomi being the liveliest of them all.

"And He goes like, No. That's your own life hahahah"

After that they went to several places like karaoke.

Caleb was specially close to Hitomi as she was fun and cute.

When it's time to go home. They bid their farewells.

"It has been a long day, I had fun thanks to you girls" Akane said.

"If you want to, then maybe we could hang out sometimes"

"Sure.." The girls agreed

"Ofcourse I'll come too if it's your treat " Hitomi said


They all go their separate ways except Caleb.

He called out to Hitomi.

"Uhmm Hey! "

"Yess??" Ask Hitomi as she turned.

"Well if you don't mind. Let's have a cup of coffee sometime."

Hitomi smiled.

"Sure... Ehmm.. Cal"


"Oh, right... Caleb, I'm ok as long as there is a free frappucino."

"Hahaha ok. Let me send you off then"

" Sure!"

When the bus arrived. They bid farewell to each other.

"Farewell my Friend!" She said with an accent and waving.

The guy laughs and smiled.

"Until we meet again" He said

Hitomi went to the bus station and coincidentally she saw Shousuke looking at her in the bus holding groceries.

(Oh wow I didn't know this guy do shopping. )

"Heyya Shousuke what a small world indeed" She said.

Shousuke on the other hand sighed.

"If your asking me how was the mixer then it was great" she questioned and answered herself.

"Good for you then?"

"You know what? you should really come next time, This guys also are super fun"

"No thank you."

"Such a kill joy tsk ."

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