1 Trouble

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"Kanzaki Quinn, you had better start confessing," the Discipline Master, Mr Kim, demanded. "We have the evidence right here."

I glanced at the two faces in front of me, the Discipline Master and the Vice-Principal. The Vice-Principal looked bored, like he was forced to be there, while Mr Kim was staring me down with a sharp gaze.

I guess he was trying to intimidate me into telling the truth, whatever it was. It might have worked if I didn't have a scary uncle raising me. My uncle had a look that could kill, so this was nothing.

Besides, even if I was intimidated, I couldn't confess if I wasn't even sure what I did wrong. As far as I could recall, I am a well-behaved student who did her assigments and stayed out of trouble.

This was especially so when you compare me to the other students in this school. It was a school full of delinquents, after all.

"What did I do?" I asked instead, causing Mr Kim to frown even more.

"Don't play dumb with me, Missy! I already know everything," he declared confidently, puffing out his chest, his eyes filled with suspicion.

I was very confused. Just what did I do wrong for Mr Kim, the discipline master himself, to pull me out during lessons? Just how serious was this so-called crime that I had committed?

I crossed my arms across my chest. "If you know everything, then you don't need to ask me what I did. Heck, even I don't know what I did!"

Mr Kim's mouth twitched in annoyance, he looked like he was about to rage on me but instead closed his eyes and sighed.

He let out a deep breath before speaking, "There were reports of you and another student engaging in sexual intercourse in school."

It took me a while to process that shocking statement. "Wha... HUH?!"

Me? Sex? With a guy?! I don't even like physical contact, especially so with guys.

"I did not have sexual intercourse in school!" I exclaimed, once I had gotten my bearings.

How could he have come to that conclusion? I wasn't even friends with anyone in this school, let alone have sex with them!

"Well, we have evidence that proves otherwise-" Mr Kim was cut off by the door slamming open.

A short and petite woman came storming in, her wavy locks bouncing with every step. The click clack of her heels stopped when she was stood right in front of me, obscuring me from Mr Kim's view.

"What are you doing to my student?" Miss Yang questioned. "I told you I was going to speak to her first. I'm her homeroom teacher."

Mr Kim smiled smugly, gesturing to the Vice-Principal who was seated behind him. He was so silent that I forgot he had been there the entire time.

"As you can see, the Vice-Principal has approved of this," he said.

"That still doesn't give you the right. This is a serious accusation. Did you even inform her parents?" Miss Yang countered.

"Well, er... "

They started bantering again before the Vice-Principal finally intervened. He began barking orders at the two teachers and at me, telling me to return to class until they call me back.

Two hours later, and I was back in the VP's office with my uncle. Miss Yang was nowhere in sight. When I asked where she was, the VP said she had an emergency she needed to tend to.

Well, so much for her wanting to be present as my homeroom teacher!

Mr Kim turned on the projector, revealing a screenshot of a forum on SNS.

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