4 Porky Chinggu (Porky's Friend)

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My finger rang the doorbell impatiently. I was sure this was the right address. I had even asked around to make sure it was the right building. Everyone I asked confirmed this was the right building.

I sighed, backing away. Was no one home? Did I come at a bad time? Then, all that effort of ditching school was a waste.

I walked away dejectedly, heading toward the lift lobby.


"Hey, watch it!" I warned, glaring at whoever had bumped into me.

"Sorry, sorry," the guy apologised, rushing away.

The smell of food wafted into my nostrils. I looked towards the source and realized it came from the bag the guy was carrying. A delivery guy.

I watched as he stopped in front of Porky's house, hanging the food on the door handle. He rang the doorbell and left.

I heard footsteps from inside the house. So somebody was home. Whoever it was that was inside had just been ignoring me this whole time.

I walked towards the door, hiding at the side so that no one could see me through the peephole. The sound of footsteps got louder as the person walked closer. The person sounded heavy, just like how I imagine Porky would sound like. There was some rustling before the door swung open a little bit and a meaty arm reached out for the bag of food.

I reached forward, grabbing that arm.

"AHA!" I exclaimed, holding on tight.

I pulled the arm closer to me, the owner of the arm finally appearing before me. My eyes met with a pair of fogged up glasses.

I felt something hit my toe just then. It was something warm. Nope, it was scalding hot.

I shrieked in pain, my grip loosening, as I hopped backwards and eventually fell. I looked to where the pain had hit. The sock was drenched in a brown, sticky liquid. My right sandal was covered in the same thing. I looked to where I had been standing.

There, a container lay upturned, its contents spilling out to reveal some noodles, with steam emerging from it. The meaty arm disappeared behind the door, as the door slammed shut.

I cussed. Argh, there goes my chance! I never expected he would drop his piping hot food on me. My poor toes. If I had known this would happen, I would have at least changed back into my sneakers. Then again, I probably wouldn't have the time since I had been too busy evading the DM.

Argh, f*ck. It really hurts...

I squat down, taking off the sock from my scalded foot to examine the injury. My skin was red, but it was nothing too bad. I limped away, wringing my soup-drenched sock. Urgh. Gross.

"Er... Is there something you need?" a voice asked from behind me.

I turned around to notice that a couple around their early forties were staring at me in puzzlement. I realised that I probably look like a weirdo with the spilled food and the stained sock.

I quickly got up and dusted myself off, trying to make myself look more presentable, as I towered over them.

"Hello, there. I'm looking for Por-" I cleared my throat. Crap, what was his name, again? Woo... Wang Woo? Oh, right! "-Wang Ji Woo. We're classmates," I finished, trying to muster a decent, friendly smile.

At least, I hoped it looked friendly. I didn't normally smile since I never intended to make friends. But right now, I needed to convince whoever this was that I was not a weirdo but the guy's friend.

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